Statins yet effective and alleged side effects completely exaggerated?

There have been many conflicting statements about the effects of statins lately. Physicians claimed in the past that statins would trigger severe side effects. But researchers now found that statins are safe and effective. The possible side effects were exaggerated in earlier studies.
Scientists at the internationally recognized University of Oxford found in an investigation that statins are not as insecure and ineffective as previous studies claimed. Here older examinations would have exaggerated the side effects significantly. The doctors published the results of their study in the journal "The Lancet".

Many people are losing their statin treatment due to uncertainty
About six million people in the UK take tablets every day to lower their cholesterol. These statins can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks or strokes, the experts explain. Statins are the most commonly prescribed drugs in the UK. But recently, hundreds of thousands of people have stopped this life-saving treatment because they have been unsettled by contradictory statements.
Conflicting statements about statins confuse the patients
So-called statins are generally controversial drugs. There have been conflicting reports on how the risks of a negative reaction outweigh the benefits, the researchers say. In the past too much emphasis was placed on the unreliable evidence from observational studies. However, the results of reliable randomized drug trials have not been properly recognized, the authors add.
Patient confidence in statins has dropped significantly
Previous studies and their results have led to a significant decrease in the use of statins. For example, a previous study found that taking the drug was linked to autism, say the experts. This statement has had a major negative impact on confidence in this safe and effective drug, the authors explain.
What side effects do statins really do?
Researchers from other studies have already suggested that statins can cause memory loss, cataract, kidney damage, liver disease, sleep disorders, aggression, or erectile dysfunction. This misleading claim about harmful side effects is not accurate and leads to high public health costs, says Professor Rory Collins of the University of Oxford. The new investigation has shown that as side effects muscle pain, diabetes or a hemorrhagic stroke can be triggered.
Positive effects outweigh side effects
Many more people use the drug to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Surprisingly, independent studies have also shown that statins significantly reduce the likelihood of breast cancer returning. On the other hand, there are far fewer cases of patients with side effects, say the experts from the University of Oxford in a recent press release. Most side effects can be reversed by stopping taking statins without any after effects. However, the effects of a heart attack or stroke can not be resolved. They are irreversible and can have devastating consequences, the researchers warn. (As)