Start of the pear season Pears are more than healthy

Start of the pear season Pears are more than healthy / Health News
Now is bulb time: shopping with all your senses
(aid) - The pear is completely wrong in the shadow of the apple. The fruit has much to offer in terms of taste and is well tolerated by most people because of its low acidity. In the kitchen, it can be prepared sweet and spicy. It tastes in the mus and compote, but also on a cheese plate and as an accompaniment to game. For the well-known "Pear Helene", the fruits are steamed in sugar water and then served with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce.

Pears contain many positive ingredients that are particularly concentrated under the shell. These include provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, C, folic acid and the minerals potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. The water-soluble fiber pectin stimulates intestinal activity and supports the excretion of cholesterol.
The pear (Pyrus communis) is like the apple a pome fruit and belongs to the family of the rose family. It derives primarily from the wood pear and some wild forms, which have their main distribution area in Central and Southern Europe to Asia Minor. There are now around 2,500 pear varieties.

Now the pear time begins. Image: 5second - fotolia

The most important cultivar in Germany is "Alexander Lucas". This pear has a rather clumsy shape. The pulp is juicy and slightly grainy with a sweet-sour taste. "Abate Fetel" is the most important imported pear from Italy and also keeps some days in the fruit bowl. The variety "Gute Luise" is originally from France and convinces with its juicy pulp and melon-like aroma. Very well known is the "Williams Christ" pear, which was already known in England in the 18th century. The shell changes from green to golden yellow during maturation with a red touch on the sunny side. The fruit tastes sour-sweet with a hint of nutmeg and typically exudes a strong scent. "Williams Christ" is particularly suitable for preserving and for alcoholic beverages.

To reach their full enjoyment, most pears are kept in special camps. Only then they come into the trade.

Buy with all your senses. The fruits should yield slightly to the touch of a finger, give off a pleasant scent and have a smooth skin with no pressure marks. Soft fruits with brown spots are overripe and therefore not a good choice. Heike Kreutz, aid