Strong pain Instead of expected appendicitis, masses of worms were taken out of the intestine

Strong pain Instead of expected appendicitis, masses of worms were taken out of the intestine / Health News
In appendectomy shows: 15-year-old had hundreds pinworms in the intestine
In the UK, doctors diagnosed in surgery that there were hundreds of worms in the gut of the 15-year-old patient. The young woman had undergone surgery because the doctors assumed that appendicitis was responsible for her abdominal pain.

Diagnosis is expensive
Appendicitis often causes nonspecific symptoms. Since the diagnosis is usually complex and ultrasound, physical examination and blood count only result in suspicion, doctors opt for evidence of inflammation in case of doubt rather for an operation. So also in the case of a young Englishwoman. However, when the doctors operated on the 15-year-old, they found that her symptoms had a different cause. In the intestine of the young woman was a huge amount of pinworm.

In the UK, doctors of a young patient have removed hundreds of small white worms from the gut. The 15-year-old had been operated on suspected appendicitis. (Image: Dr_Kateryna /

Doctors opted for appendectomy
According to a report by the Daily Mail, the 15-year-old had gone for medical treatment for severe abdominal pain. Her right lower abdomen was tense and sensitive to pressure.

Although the physicians at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro, County Cornwall promptly indicated appendicitis because of the symptoms, "Blood tests, a urine sample, and an ultrasound result did not indicate inflammation," the report said.

However, as appendicitis could not be definitively ruled out, and if left untreated, could result in death, the doctors decided to go to the surgery.

Cecum was "snow white"
In the journal "BMJ Case Reports", the team reports to Dr. Ing. Luke Nelson Allen on the procedure they filmed with a camera.

When they opened the patient's abdomen, they did not detect any disease of the ovaries, uterus and small intestine. However, they noticed that the appendix was "snow-white," rather than red or pink.

"When they prepared the appendix for removal, they were shocked when a" crowd of worms "came out," the newspaper writes.

Removed pinworms with a sucker
According to the doctors, countless white, thin pinworms wilted out of the intestine. To prevent the parasites from moving further into the abdomen, they were removed with a nipple.

After the procedure, both the patient and her relatives were given medications designed to kill not only worms but also their eggs.

According to the information, the young girl recovered quickly after the operation and her pain disappeared.

Little worm diseases in Europe
Although worm diseases are relatively rare in Europe, pinworms are found again and again, especially in children. The approximately three to twelve millimeters long parasites sit on the mucous membrane of the intestine.

Signs may include after-itching and anus pain. In some cases, the small white worms are also visible in the feces.

The infection usually takes place via traces of infected Kotresten, which reach the mouth. These may be, for example, toys or foods such as salad. Especially children are more likely to get stuck because they scratch their buttocks and then the worm eggs can get over the fingers in the mouth.

In some cases, home remedies for worms can help, but often patients need to be treated with medication.

However, other parasites, such as a pork tapeworm, require physicians to become active in other ways. Recently, a 48-year-old Indian was reported to have pulled a two-meter worm out of his mouth. The tapeworm had nested in the patient's intestine. (Ad)