Strong pain attacks cluster headaches in the fall more frequently

Strong pain attacks cluster headaches in the fall more frequently / Health News
Cluster headaches occur more frequently in the fall
Around 70,000 people in Germany are estimated to suffer from cluster headaches. With common means you can usually do nothing against the bad pain attacks. People with typical complaints should therefore consult a doctor.

Pain attacks occur increasingly in the autumn
It is estimated that about 70,000 people in Germany are affected by cluster headache, men three times more often than women. Most patients are between 30 and 40 years old when the disease first occurs. Typical of the disease is a periodic recurrence in so-called clusters. This can then be followed by months without complications. Cluster headaches are more prevalent at certain times of the day and can be more pronounced in the spring or fall seasons. They often set in at night and manifest in seizure-like, one-sided drilling or burning pain attacks in the area of ​​the temple and eyes. The Professional Association of German Nervous Physicians (BVDN) has pointed this out.

Cluster headaches are among the worst pain that a person can experience. Picture: dundanim - fotolia

Symptoms last up to three hours
"Especially now in the fall suffer victims again more often under the pain attacks. In addition to the pronounced one-sided headache, it typically leads to concomitant symptoms such as conjunctival redness, lacrimation, swelling of the nasal mucosa, facial swelling and it can narrow the pupils, "said the chairman of the BVDN. Frank Bergmann. "If people notice such symptoms, they should contact a neurologist to have their symptoms cleared up. Left untreated, the pain attacks can cause tremendous suffering. "If the symptoms are not treated, they last between 15 and 180 minutes. It can also cause nausea, light and sound sensitivity.

Common painkillers do not work
Common analgesics, but also relaxation exercises, massages or acupuncture, which achieve good results in other forms of headache, are less effective in cluster headaches. "In acute cases, the inhalation of 100% oxygen via a face mask relieves the symptoms in many cases. The necessary equipment can be prescribed and obtained from the health insurance, "says Bergmann. However, according to the German Neurological Society (DGN), treatment usually only takes 15 to 20 minutes, which is why patients with short cluster attacks of just 15 minutes do not benefit here. In addition, the oxygen inhalation show only 60 percent to 70 percent of those affected the desired effect. Relief may also be provided by the prescription drug sumatriptan, which patients can inject themselves or administer via a nasal spray or in tablet form.

Avoid triggering factors as much as possible
To counteract the disease, one should try to find out and then avoid the factors that trigger the pain attacks. These can include environmental stimuli or certain foods. Ideally, keep a journal to see what the triggers are. "Known triggers for cluster headaches include alcohol," says Bergmann. Even coffee, nuts and glutamate can trigger the pain attacks. In addition, some sufferers react to glare. "With you, the temporary wearing of sun protection lenses during a cluster period can have a preventative effect." In any case, it makes sense to refrain from smoking. (Ad)