Strong demand - supply bottlenecks in cannabis on prescription
More than 13,000 applications for reimbursement by the statutory health insurance companies
In March 2017, the herbal intoxicant cannabis was released as a pain therapy for issue by prescription. Since then, an ever-increasing number of patients are taking advantage of this offer. According to a survey of "RP Digital GmbH" at the statutory health insurance technicians, Barmer and AOK already received more than 13,000 applications for reimbursement. The strong demand has already led to supply bottlenecks in cannabis production. The cannabis on prescription is used primarily as a painkiller therapy and is available in the form of drops, spray or as flowers.
Cannabis may only be purchased with a prescription at the pharmacy. Any other source of supply or self-production is not permitted, as cannabis is an illegal drug in Germany. The survey carried out by the "Rheinische Post" shows that more than 60 percent of applications for reimbursement are approved. For many applications, however, the need for a cannabis prescription was not sufficiently substantiated. The manufacturers are apparently unprepared for the strong demand. The bill, which legalized the issue by prescription, counted for just under 700 patients a year. The German Hanfverband (DHV) reports that in 2017 there were always shortages of supply and inflated prices.
The demand for cannabis on prescription is huge. It always comes back to delivery bottlenecks. From 2019, cannabis cultivation is also to begin in Germany. (Image: stokkete / approval at the health insurance
At the first B2B cannabis conference in Berlin at the beginning of April in Berlin, Georg Wurth of the German Hemp Association reported that problems with the willingness to reimburse the health insurances would emerge: "We know of a few rejections, even for those patients who previously had one Exception approval had. "Also some doctors criticize the behavior of the legal health insurance companies. "I must describe the behavior of the health insurance companies with regard to the reimbursement of the cannabis products as unacceptable uncooperative," says the Berlin doctor Eva spleen to the Deutsches Ärzteblatt. The funds, however, assure the "Rheinische Post" that the other applications would not be completely rejected. Many are just incomplete.
Who can get cannabis on prescription?
The AOK writes on its website: "Serious sufferers such as pain or cancer patients can be prescribed drugs based on cannabis - but only in very limited exceptional cases." The AOK must agree to the use of cannabis before the start of therapy. In the case of a serious illness, such as multiple sclerosis or cancer, cannabis may be prescribed if no approved and available therapy has been successful or if other forms of therapy are considered by the physician to be inappropriate for the patient. Whether an insured person receives a medical prescription depends on his or her individual situation.
Regulation only with accompanying study
The AOK emphasizes that currently there is insufficient scientific evidence on the medical use of cannabis. Therefore, the care of patients with cannabis-containing medicines is linked to a five-year companion study. Patients are required to attend. Diagnosis, dose, effects, side effects and further information are sent anonymously to the competent higher federal authority (Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte - BfArM). The results of the study are intended to show whether therapy with cannabis makes sense.
Where does the cannabis come from??
According to the DHV, medical cannabis is currently imported from Canada and the Netherlands. German cannabis cultivation is expected to start in 2019. To this end, currently running a tender of the new cannabis agency of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices. For the period from 2019 to 2022, a cannabis production of 6.6 tonnes is planned. (Fp)