Desserts tested donuts full of artificial sweeteners

Desserts tested donuts full of artificial sweeteners / Health News
Mineral oils and Co: "Eco-Test" finds pollutants in donuts
Nothing eats Homer Simpson more than donuts. The character from the animated series eats the donuts en masse and usually additionally with sugar-sweet syrup. Even in real people, the donuts are from Rühr- or yeast dough popular. But it would be better to keep your hands off it. Donuts are often full of pollutants.

Donuts with a high content of fatty substances
According to a recent study by the consumer magazine "Öko-Test" donuts are full of pollutants. The experts criticize, among other things, the high levels of grease pollutants that enter into the Hefekringel by the use of palm oil and are considered to be particularly dangerous. In addition, "all tested products are contaminated with mineral oil," as it says in a message.

Except for Homer Simpson, everyone should keep their fingers off donuts. The Hefekringel are full of pollutants, as the consumer magazine "eco-test" has found. (Image: Elena Schweitzer /

All brands received an "insufficient"
According to the information, "Öko-Test" sent 15 donut-chain donuts, bakery shops and freezers from various markets to the lab. The result was extremely negative: "All brands are rattled with" insufficient ", writes the magazine. The reason for this devaluation is partly due to the fat pollutants. Donuts are therefore preferably baked in hot palm oil, which has the advantage that this fat is free from unhealthy trans fatty acids.

Trans fats pose a threat to health
And that is very important, because already five grams of trans fat per day, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) increase the risk of a heart attack by 23 percent. In addition, studies have shown that these fats are responsible for high blood pressure, obesity and obesity and diabetes. All reasons why trans fats are banned in the US.

Palm oil has many disadvantages
However, the use of palm oil also brings serious disadvantages. Because "the raw material from the fruits of the oil palm is often heavily contaminated with glycidyl fatty acid esters. These fat pollutants are classified as mutagenic and possibly carcinogenic, even small amounts can damage the DNA, "says the statement. Other experts have also complained that palm oil in food can be harmful to health.

Mineral oil round in donuts
Another reason for the bad "eco-test" rating is mineral oil. This can accumulate in the body and has damaged organs in animal experiments. These pollutants have probably passed from the packaging or through the production process to the donuts. Other experts, such as the consumer organization Foodwatch, have in the past made aware of the problem of mineral oil in food packaging.

It was also criticized by "Öko-Test" that five donuts were no longer fresh in the test. Various manufacturers use flavors and controversial phosphates. The high fat and sugar content of most donuts was no surprise. (Ad)