Sports scientist After the sport eat rather high fat

Sports scientist After the sport eat rather high fat / Health News
Nutrition tips for athletes: eat high in fat after exercise
While noodles, rice and potatoes rich in carbohydrates have long been recommended after exercise, sports scientists now recommend high-fat meals. Although carbohydrates are important, but only in manageable amount, so the experts.

Athletes should eat high fat instead of carbohydrates
The sports scientist and biologist Wolfgang Feil from Tübingen swears by fat or an activated lipid metabolism. "In doing so, the body learns to burn more fat instead of carbohydrates during exercise," he explains in an interview with the online edition of the newspaper "Die Welt". In this way increase the performance of the athlete and he regenerate faster, as studies have shown from the US. However, it is important not to suddenly eat much more fat, but less carbohydrates, which increases the endurance capacity. The body then uses fat instead of the carbohydrate stores as the first source of energy. This is the case, for example, if you train in the morning before breakfast. The body is not yet "in shape" and the training is much more exhausting.

Best to eat something high in fat after exercise. Picture: Kzenon-fotolia

Those who follow the dietary recommendation of Feil, that reduces the carbohydrates, will experience this state during training for about four to six weeks. The body must first switch to "fat burning", so Feil. But: "After three months you are as fit as ever." In order to get the fat metabolism going, athletes are also allowed to exercise during the day with an empty stomach. If the hunger is too big, dark chocolate or nuts help just before training.

Do not consume carbohydrates in the evening after exercise
According to Feil, no carbs in the form of pasta, bread, rice and potatoes should be left on the menu after training. The sports scientist advises on foods such as olive oil, avocados, cream and whole milk. "Ideal meals after training would be omelet with plenty of vegetables and herbs sautéed in neat butter or a cheese platter with olives, nuts and avocado slices," said Feil. The dessert is dark chocolate.

If the training takes place later in the evening and the athlete then no longer wants to eat, advises the expert to protein shakes. The ingredients would help with the regeneration. Other experts, however, are critical of such shakes. "No athlete needs protein supplements," emphasizes nutritionist Uwe Knop to the newspaper. Those who eat a balanced diet already have sufficient protein. The surplus is so great that strength training could build the physiological maximum of ten kilograms of muscle mass per year.

Need of athletes can also be covered by vegetable protein
Athletes who eat vegetarian foods are usually sufficiently supplied with protein. "Especially since they are mostly health-conscious people who are familiar with nutrient sources," says nutritionist Prof. Karl Josef Groneuer in a conversation with the newspaper. So peas, soy, beans, quinoa and potatoes contain a lot of vegetable protein.

If you like to eat eggs, you can now eat them without feeling guilty, because eggs are not cholesterol bombs, as long assumed. Feil advises athletes to eat ten eggs a week. They are not only healthy, but also easily digestible.

Before competitions athletes should take carbohydrates
Before competitions athletes should not do without carbohydrates. Because they fill the storage with quickly available energy. "Potatoes, rice and bread also make an excellent contribution to the carbohydrate supply," says Groneuer. Many endurance athletes rely on ripe bananas. However, the body needs two hours to digest it, reports Feil. Therefore, to deliver energy immediately, are not suitable. Better are sports bars and sports drinks immediately before the competition.

Basically, athletes should be on a balanced, not too one-sided diet and take plenty of fluid that the body loses by sweating. (Ag)