Sports study Too much sport can lead to infertility in women

Sports study Too much sport can lead to infertility in women / Health News
Study shows: Too much sport can make women infertile
Physicians repeatedly point out how healthy regular exercise is. However, it depends on the right dose. Because too much sport can harm your health. It can also affect the fertility of - slender - women, as a study shows.

Barren by too much sport
Sport is healthy: Regular exercise can, among other things, help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure. In addition, athletes suffer less often from obesity or obesity. But as with so much in life, the right dose is important. Because too much sport can not only be unhealthy, but also make women infertile, as a study from Norway shows.

Regular exercise is healthy. Women who want to get pregnant should not overdo it. Because too much sport, according to a study can make infertile. (Image: Sabine Hürdler /

It does not depend on the sport
According to the "Nord-Trøndelag" study, published years ago in the journal "Human Reproduction", too much sport should make women infertile.

According to the Norwegian study, in which 3,887 subjects participated, slim women who exercise five to seven times a week have 3.2 times more fertility problems, reports the portal "", which claims to have nine international ones Evaluated studies and talked with doctors.

The longer the training lasts, the higher the risk. For example, research has shown that over 60 minutes of workout in one piece are bad for women's fertility.

Which sport is operated, is not decisive, the difference makes the intensity. Women should not move to exhaustion.

Overweight women benefit from sports
However, only slim women are affected. The body mass index (BMI) has a great influence. Obese women would therefore benefit from any sport in the form of higher fertility.

But why do overweight women benefit from sports, but not lean? Miss Dr. Wibke Wilkening, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics explains the reduced fertility with a change in hormones:

"Increased exercise activity can negatively impact the hormonal axis between the brain, pituitary and ovary. In pronounced cases, the secretion completely succumbs and the cycle is over, "said the expert.

Do not train too often and not to exhaustion
However, it is not necessarily the sport itself that influences fertility, but the increased, but not covered, energy requirements:

"It is a well-known phenomenon that below a - certainly individually different - minimum weight of the body in the sense of self-preservation first shuts down the reproductive function and finally shuts off," Dr. Wilkening according to the portal.

And further: "Pregnancy is an onerous and energy-consuming state for an organism, the body no longer perform at a minimum supply, either because of an eating disorder or increased consumption through massive exercise."

On "" there are some tips for women, which should help to expose themselves to no increased risk: not train to absolute exhaustion. Do not exercise more than three times a week and not more than 60 minutes a day.

In addition, enough food should be eaten before and after training to meet the energy needs. (Ad)