Spontaneous auto-ignition baby catches fire
Spontaneous spontaneous combustion. Baby is reportedly constantly catching fire
For science, the so-called spontaneous spontaneous spontaneous combustion (SHC) has been a mystery for years dar. The phenomenon describes the sudden ignition of the human body without a reason is recognizable.
SHC a myth?
Allegedly, most of the limbs and often the internal organs were preserved. Nearby objects are completely spared. Burnt bodies in unburnt surroundings are actually occupied. From a scientific point of view, however, there is no evidence. So far no one has observed this fantastic-sounding event.
Currently there is a new case from India. According to CNN-IBN, a baby is always self-inflamed. The three-month-old Rahúl seems to be a victim of human auto-inflammation. At the age of nine days it happened the first time.
The treating Indian doctors assume biochemical processes that trigger the phenomenon. Other explanations include electricity and microwaves in the formation. Also, chemical reactions at subatomic level have been considered.
Air-conditioned environment is vital for Rahúl
The website „grenzwissenschaft-aktuell.blogspot.de“ takes as the cause of the escape of flammable gases and / or fluids from the skin of the child. To what extent this website can be classified as a serious source of information remains questionable. From a scientific point of view, however, self-ignition with complete combustion of a human being contradicts the physical and chemical laws. The German criminal biologist Mark Benecke disproved in his articles, the theory of spontaneous human auto-inflammation with forensic facts. Since most of the human body consists of water, and unless fat and methane contain any combustible components, such an inflammation is nearly impossible. (Fr)
Picture: Dieter Hopf