Prevent sunburn Always focus on the UV index for sun protection

Prevent sunburn Always focus on the UV index for sun protection / Health News
Sun attracts many people outside
As soon as the first warm days are over, most people are attracted to the outdoors. After all the dull and cold months, you finally want to "recharge" the sun and feel the warm rays on your skin. But caution is advised, because with the sunshine, the UV exposure increases again. This may even be particularly high in the spring, as the ozone layer is often unstable at this time of year, the German Cancer Aid warns in a recent release.

Skin slowly get used to the radiation
Those who spend too much and too much time in the sun risk serious damage to the skin over the long term. Because it ages faster due to the ultraviolet radiation, in addition, damage to the genome of skin cells and skin cancer can arise, informs the German Cancer Aid. Especially in spring, the power of the sun should not be underestimated, because due to the often thin ozone layer, the ultraviolet radiation can currently be particularly strong. Accordingly, it should not be waived in these days on a corresponding UV protection for the prevention of skin cancer under any circumstances. "Do not underestimate the intensity of the spring sunshine and slowly get your skin used to it," says Gerd Nettekoven, CEO of the German Cancer Aid.

Creaming is also important now, because UV radiation can be relatively strong in spring. (Image: Knut Wiarda /

Rays are not noticeable
Normally, according to the non-profit organization's announcement, the ozone layer would ensure that most of the cancer-causing UV radiation does not reach us at all. But currently this protective layer, which surrounds the earth at a height of 15 to 30 kilometers, may at times be thinned out due to the climatic conditions in late winter and spring. Because these would cause ozone-poor air from the polar region and the subtropics to flow into Central Europe and create small ozone holes through which more ultraviolet rays reach the earth than usual. A process that initially goes unnoticed, because "you can not feel UV radiation in itself. We only notice their harmful effects when the skin cells have already been damaged and the body reacts to them ", explains Professor Dr. med. Eckhard Breitbart, Dermatologist and Chairman of the Working Group Dermatological Prevention e.V. (ADP). "That then creates an uncomfortable feeling, even burning pains," the expert continues.

Use UV index for orientation
In order to better assess the power of the sun at this time of year and to take no risk, one should use the UV index (UVI) for guidance on the advice of the German Cancer Aid and the ADP. This describes on the basis of a scale from 1 to 11+. the expected maximum daily value of sunburn effective UV radiation. The index is compiled by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection in cooperation with the Federal Environment Agency, the German Weather Service and other institutions and can be accessed online on a daily basis. Each value has recommendations for sun protection. For example, with a UV index of 0 to two, no protection measures are required, but from a value of 11 these are "a must". At the beginning of May, according to the Cancer Aid Communication, medium to high UVI levels between 4 and 6 were expected. In addition to the slow habituation of the skin by short stays in the open air, the sun should be better avoided according to the experts also at lunchtime better. (No)