Cooling sunburn so that symptoms are relieved

Cooling sunburn so that symptoms are relieved / Health News
There is no such thing as a big difference between sunburn and burn caused by a stove or hot liquid. Therefore, the first aid measures are also of a similar nature. This is indicated by the pharmacy magazine "Diabetes Ratgeber" in its current issue.

A sunburn must be cooled. Picture: juefraphoto - fotolia

Envelopes with water or cold black tea
A sunburn does not differ much from a burning that occurs at the hearth or with hot liquids. "Even when burned by the sun everything soothes, which cools the skin and moisturizes. For example, envelopes with water or cold black tea. " Birgit Kunze, dermatologist in Hamburg, in the magazine "Diabetes Ratgeber".

For children no ASA
For local therapy, over-the-counter gels and creams with hydrocortisone may be used. "For oral use are ibuprofen, acetaminophen or acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in question," explains the doctor, but restricts that "children must not get ASA". If a sunburn is severe in children, a doctor should always be consulted. For less severe sunburns also home remedies of natural medicine can be used. These help to relieve the pain and discomfort of skin burns. (Sb)