Somnambulism sleepwalking is dangerous! Wake affected people!

Somnambulism sleepwalking is dangerous! Wake affected people! / Health News
Somnambulism: Sleepwalkers should be awakened - otherwise it can be dangerous
Sleepwalkers leave the bed at night, walk around, or in some cases perform more complicated activities such as preparing food or even driving a car. And all without waking up. People who suffer from somnambulism can pose a danger to themselves and to others. Experts say they should be woken up when they are asleep.

Genetic predisposition coupled with stress
Sleepwalking (somnambulism) is a sleep disorder in which sufferers leave the bed, walk around, open windows, or perform more complex activities. All without being awake. It is by no means a rare phenomenon. Thus, up to 30 percent of all children and 2 percent of adults occasionally make such nighttime trips. Her consciousness sleeps while her senses are active. According to researchers sleepwalking is triggered by a genetic predisposition coupled with stress. Somnambulism can be dangerous because affected people can not assess risks in their activities. Contrary to the widespread opinion, one should not arouse the walkers, experts advise loud "world" exactly the opposite: sleepwalking should be awakened necessarily.

Sleepwalking endangers those affected and should therefore be treated. Image: yeehaaa - fotolia

Sleepwalker drives 50 kilometers by car
Sleepwalkers develop their activities in deep sleep. In these phases, the motor centers are active in them, but this does not apply to rational thinking and judgment. Although affected persons can perform movements and sometimes complex actions, they lack the goal-oriented intention. This can lead to extraordinary events. For example, Matthias Boentert of the University Hospital for Sleep Medicine and Neuromuscular Diseases in Münster told the newspaper about a woman who has been driving her car for 50 kilometers as a sleepwalker. "The whole thing was completely accident-free," said Boentert, "but of course you do not know what would have happened if they had come in a tricky traffic situation." According to the sleepwalkers are classified as legally innocent.

Most sleep disappears after puberty
Although it can sometimes lead to aggressive actions or dangers, sleepwalking remains harmless in most cases. Often affected people only walk around in the bedroom or do not even leave the bed. Experts are divided over whether poor sleep promotes somnambulism during the full moon. For example, many studies have found that full-moon phases are not responsible for sleep problems or even sleepwalking. But others, such as a study by Basel chronobiologist Christian Cajochen, give some clues. According to "World Online", however, the age plays a much larger role in the cause structure. According to this study, the sleep-conversion rate among schoolchildren is 15 percent, that of ten-year-olds is even 30 percent, and that of adults is only one to two percent. Sleep doctors say that the numbers indicate that this recovery is related to brain maturity. The disorder disappears in 70 to 80 percent after puberty.

Sleep hygiene needs to be improved
The fact that heredity also plays a role is shown by a Canadian study led by Jacques Montplaisir of the Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur in Montreal. As a result, children who suffer from or suffer from somnambulism have a three times higher risk of becoming sleepwalkers as well. When father and mother are affected, the risk even increases sevenfold. The disorder apparently involved genes that regulate deep sleep. It is said that the genetic propensity to sleepwalking is compounded when certain stress factors, such as the change of sleeping place, are added. The risk could also be increased by some medications, fever or a crowded bladder. "Anything that disturbs sleep in any way," said sleep specialist Boentert, "can make the sleepwalker legs." In his opinion, it is therefore important to work in the therapy of sleepwalking initially on sleep hygiene.

What can help with sleep disorders
Simple tips and home remedies for sleeping disorders include nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, heavy meals and excitement, such as exciting movies, before bedtime. The bedroom should be kept dark. Because even psychic influences such as anger, stress or mental illnesses such as depression can often trigger sleep disorders, health experts often recommend relaxation exercises for stress relief such as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation or yoga. Even light brain training against insomnia can help, as Austrian researchers recently found in a study. Most experts advise against medication. Boentert explained that it was also important to lock balcony and patio doors and not leave any sharp objects within reach. In addition, sufferers should have someone on hand who immediately wakes them when sleepwalking begins. Awakening is always the safer alternative, as accidents can happen during sleepwalking. "You should not be impressed by the fact that it may take a while for the sleepwalker to react normally," says the expert. (Ad)