Summer flu Do not take antibiotics immediately

Summer flu Do not take antibiotics immediately / Health News

Internists Association: In case of a flu infection or bronchitis antibiotics are not always useful.

(27.07.2010) The Association of German internists points out that in a so-called summer flu antibiotics are not always useful. Because at high, summery temperatures, such infections are usually triggered by viruses, which are not helped by antibiotic drugs anyway. Doctors should therefore not immediately prescribe antibiotics in case of suspected flu or bronchitis.

Dr. Wolfgang Wesiack from the Professional Association of German Internists explains that these diseases are typical of the warm seasons. Anyway, only so-called antivirals help against viral infections. However, if antibiotics prescribe drugs, they can harm the health of the patient even more than use. Possible are u.a. Allergies or related side effects such as stomach pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, sunlight sensitivity to liver and kidney damage.

Whether it is a bacterial or viral infection, the doctor can recognize the coughing up secretion. If the secretion is transparent or white, viruses are the cause of the disease. Even fast-rising fever indicates viruses as the cause. If the coughing up is more greenish or yellowish, there is a bacterial infection. Here, the fever rises only slowly.

Here is an indication of In case of a viral infection, the course of the disease is usually uncomplicated and the symptoms disappear after one to two weeks. To support a recovery of the patient, naturopathy treatments are also useful. These treatments can be carried out independently in consultation with a doctor or alternative practitioner. (Sb)