Soft drinks increase prostate cancer risk

Soft drinks increase prostate cancer risk / Health News

One soft drink per day increases the risk of prostate cancer by 40 percent


A recent study by Swedish researchers showed that drinking just one glass of cola or effervescent per day increases the risk of prostate cancer by 40 percent. However, sodas are not the only problem. Also sugary cereals may increase the risk of cancer in men.

Consuming one soft drink per day can increase the risk of prostate cancer in men by 40-fold. For this result, scientists from Sweden, whose results of the study in the journal „American Journal of Clinical Nutrition“ were published. The researcher Isabel Drake from the University of Lund reports that „In men who consumed a lot of soft drinks and other sugary drinks daily, the risk of prostate cancer increased by 40 percent“.

For the long-term study, the researchers looked at the diets of about 8,000 men in the age groups between 45 and 73 years. All subjects had no pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, cancer or cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the 15-year observation period and showed up „sufficiently healthy“. At the end of the study period, 817 men contracted prostate cancer over the years. The researchers now compared the nutrient and food intake and calculated the risk of prostate cancer. „Already 330 milliliters of soft drink per day were enough to increase the risk by 40 percent“, so Drake.

Also dangerous: cereal with lots of sugar
But the sodas were not the only problem. The regular consumption of sugary breakfast cereal increased the risk of cancer by 38 percent. However, the risk profile would be a slightly milder type of prostate cancer, which does not necessarily need to be treated, said the scientist.

„The results of this large study with high validity of dietary data suggest that high intake of refined carbohydrates is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer“, reports Drake. However, this observation could not be applied to all foods that typically contain high levels of refined sugars.

Less soft drinks, more water
The results showed that there are already sufficient reasons to limit the consumption of soft drinks to reduce the risk, argues Drake. Before a change in dietary guidelines but further studies are necessary. Also „Diet soft drinks“ are not an alternative, as a US research team already found out. These increase significantly the risk of cardiovascular disease. Juices, teas and water, on the other hand, are healthy. (Sb)

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Violence by sugary soft drinks?
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Picture: motograph