So unhealthy are baby bottles made of plastic

So unhealthy are baby bottles made of plastic / Health News

Plastic baby bottles often contain a lot of chemicals: Better to use baby glass bottles


According to a new study, plastic baby bottles release toxic substances from the hot liquid contents that the baby absorbs when drinking. Since June 2011, bisphenol A is prohibited in baby bottles. Now, other health-hazardous substances could be added or which of which there is no question today. Consumer advocates advise the use of glass baby bottles.

Toxic substances can be absorbed by the toddler while drinking
The hot liquid baby food that is filled into the bottles, toxic substances can be released from the plastic and enter the body of infants. This resulted in a scientific study commissioned by the EU Commission. A total of 449 baby bottles for the first year of life from Europe and North America were examined. The researchers discovered 31 different substances, of which only a part can be found on the positive list of the European Union. The other substances are suspected to be dangerous to the health of infants.

The main component of most baby bottles is polypropylene (PP). From these most substances were dissolved out by the hot liquid. The study was published in the end of February in the journal „Food Additives & Contaminants“ released.

It is best not to use plastic bottles for babies
The Swedish authorities reacted when the study results became public knowledge. Kettil Svensson, toxicologist at Livsmedelsverket, advises parents to refrain from using bottles made of polypropylene and silicones for their children because they contain high levels of so-called phthalates, the plasticizers. It can be used on baby bottles of polycarbonate (PC) or polyethersulfone (PES). In the US, bottles are named „Tritan“ offered. These could also be used. To be sure, but no hot milk should be filled in the bottles, but only enough cooled liquid.

„Our advice is not to use plastic bottles but glass or stainless steel“, explains Ulrika Dahl from the Naturschutzvereinigung Naturskyddsföreningen. „Even those made of aluminum should not be used, as they can be provided with a plastic film inside.“

German authorities reacted slowly to bisphenol-A
It remains to be seen what consequences the study results will have in Germany. In the case of bisphenol-A, a long time before the final ban on the chemical in baby bottles, there were sufficient scientific opinions which had a negative effect on the human organism. In many countries, a ban had been enforced much earlier. In Germany, however, consumer advocates fought long, until on 1 March 2011, a ban on the use of bisphenol-A in baby bottles was finally introduced. Lobbyists had delayed the ban again and again. Since June 2011, the contaminated bottles may no longer be traded in the German trade. "Parents should better put on glass bottles," the opinion of many consumer advocates. (Ag)

Read about:
Ban on bisphenol-A in baby bottles
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Picture: Ruth Rudolph