This protects you against gastrointestinal infections while traveling

This protects you against gastrointestinal infections while traveling / Health News

How to behave when eating and drinking while traveling to hot countries?

Holiday season is travel time and many spend their holidays in subtropical or tropical regions. Quite a few suffer during the first days of the holiday a gastrointestinal infection with abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting as a typical symptoms. Mostly contaminated food is the cause. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) has summarized in a recent press release how appropriate infections can be avoided on vacation trips.

Many popular southern holiday destinations offer fresh vegetables and fruits at street stalls. Basically a positive offer, because at least three portions of vegetables and two portions of fruit should be consumed daily, according to the DGE. The nutrients they contain, such as fiber and phytochemicals, reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. But the vegetables and fruits can also pose a health risk.

Many travelers suffer a gastrointestinal infection on vacation. The DGE gives tips on how to avoid the diseases. (Image: SENTELLO /

Germs can multiply well in heat

Especially in heat and high humidity microorganisms multiply, also on the peel of fruits and vegetables particularly well, reports the DGE. After unpeeled and raw consumption are therefore often found health problems. "Peel it, cook it or leave it alone" is therefore a common piece of advice when traveling to tropical or subtropical areas. In principle, compliance with hygienic standards in food preparation in warm countries is particularly important. In addition, the motto is "self peel", because even pre-cut fruit and vegetables can be contaminated.

Do not eat anything that has been in the heat for a long time

But not only with fresh fruit and vegetables according to the experts, extreme caution. Also on ice cubes in drinks should be better avoided, for example, the hint of the DGE. Furthermore, thorough hand washing prior to eating is recommended as it reduces the risk of infection. Foods that need to be refrigerated should be avoided, according to the DGE, if there is any uncertainty as to whether the cold chain has been maintained. "Do not eat anything that has been left in the heat for a long time," continues the association. Also, food should always be cooked well.

No tap water and no ice cubes

Sufficient hydration is especially important in hot holiday countries. Drink at least 1.5 liters per day and in high heat in addition to 0.5 to one liter per hour, so the experts. Best are water, unsweetened tea or other calorie-free drinks suitable. On tap water, however, it should be avoided, as this could be contaminated. If in doubt about the hygienic quality of the tap water, it can also be boiled to use it, for example, to brush your teeth - or access here to the mineral water from the original sealed bottle. Ice cubes in beverages should, according to the DGE, be avoided in principle, since contamination could also be present here.

For further information on eating and drinking when traveling to tropical and subtropical countries, the German Nutrition Society refers to the portal of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). (Fp)