So simply delete pain

So simply delete pain / Health News

Break the vicious cycle: Therapy options to clear the pain memory

While a majority of Germans only have secondary complaints of back, knee or other body areas, around 16 million people suffer from persistent, chronic stress. This is due to the so-called pain memory. "This ensures that impulses from areas in which there are no longer any problems continue to be perceived as pain", explains Dr. med. Tobias Weigl, doctor, pain expert and managing director of Bomedus GmbH.

Continuous false alarm

Acute pain is a useful warning sign to indicate injuries in certain parts of the body. As soon as the sensory cells distributed throughout the organism perceive a corresponding impulse, they pass it on to the brain via the nerve fibers in the spinal cord in order to identify it as pain. In case of chronic complaints, however, this transmission becomes autonomous, so that overactive neurons permanently transmit impulses. Through this misguided learning effect, the pain memory develops.

New pain therapy allows for a better life. (Image: contrastwerkstatt /

"All incoming impulses of this body region, even simple touches, perceive the brain as a pain signal", clarifies Dr. med. Weigl. Treating sufferers to this effect often presents physicians with a great challenge, since the actual cause is usually no longer present and the pain itself becomes a disease.

Holistic treatment

While the use of drugs for acute problems shows initial success, it is due to reduce their intake due to various side effects in persistent symptoms and to take other measures. Patients have to show a lot of self-initiative, because there is no universal therapy and every person responds to different treatments. As a first step, physical therapies that involve exercise and strengthening and stretching exercises usually help. But also new therapeutic approaches, such as the Small Fiber Matrix Stimulation, SFMS for short, are used in this field.

Installed in a band, similar to a bandage, are small electrodes that deliver electrical impulses. Those affected use this particular form of electrical stimulation from home, thereby reprogramming their pain memory. "The punctiform polyamide threads on the inside of the band cause current stimuli to the pain fibers in the uppermost skin layer. With the help of low-frequency electrostimulation, overactive nerve fibers calm and the sensation of pain sinks to a normal level, "explains Dr. med. Weigl.

With regular use, twice a day for 20 minutes, reduce the symptoms within four to six weeks by up to 70 percent. In addition, psychological procedures help to break down established fears and emotional pressure. Through relaxation techniques, yoga or meditation, patients learn how to deal with the disease in everyday life. "Through the interplay of different treatment options, affected people can take their lives back into their own hands," notes the pain expert. (Sb)