How to get through the carnival without a hangover

Carnival, carnival, Carnival: When the "fifth season" is celebrated, it is usually wet-happy. The following day, sufferers often suffer from bad headaches and nausea. Experts have some tips against the cat for fools, Jecken and all other carnival friends.
Tips for fools, jokes and other carnival friends
Carnival, carnival, Carnival: During the so-called "fifth season" is often celebrated wet and cheerful. The consequences: Frequently, fun is lost during the party and the next day begins with complaints such as headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Having fun without alcohol is therefore the best of all tips against the carnival hangover. But many do not want to give up beer, schnapps and wine at the parties and parades. Even for these fools, Jecken and all other carnival friends experts have some recommendations.

Celebrate without alcohol
Celebrating carnival without alcohol, one's own body thanks this with strength and clear mind. In addition, children and young people find a helpful role model and for the next morning at most sore muscles, writes the consumer initiative in a recent release.
Although it is often stated when celebrating in the cold that alcohol can warm the body, but that's not the case.
Laura Gross of the Consumers Initiative has a much better recommendation: "Hot orange juice, spiced tea or punch with honey provide good heat from the inside when moving and camel catching."
Fat and protein-rich foods
But if you prefer to party tipsy, should be prudent. "Anyone who drinks alcohol outside in the cold, cools down faster and usually realizes too late that he has long since drunk too much," said Gross. Sugary and warm alcoholic beverages are particularly fast acting.
In order to avoid a rude awakening in the carnival time, some tips should be considered.
It is very important to eat rich in protein and fat before partying. Peanuts, olives or cheese sandwiches in between delay the absorption of alcohol into the blood.
In between, drink water again and again
To prevent alcohol-induced increased fluid loss and to reduce alcohol consumption, you should always drink plenty of water on beer, sparkling wine and co. Also Saftschorle offers itself here.
Even before going to sleep and the next morning, a lot of water should be drunk to counteract severe headaches.
The breakfast after the feast should be especially hearty. Sauerkraut, cheese sandwiches, herring or sour cucumbers can compensate for alcohol-related mineral loss. Also Matjes has proven itself as a home remedy for hangovers.
Vitamin C and exercise in the fresh air
As a home remedy for headaches, including vitamin C offers. This favors the formation of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which in turn dampens the headache.
In addition, vitamin C helps the liver to lose weight. It is therefore advisable to eat vitamin C-rich fruit such as oranges or kiwi directly after the party or at the latest for breakfast. Also peppers are ideal vitamin C donors.
Last but not least, the cat should not be "eaten" on the couch. After breakfast we recommend a short walk. Exercise in the fresh air activates the metabolism and circulation and helps to feel fit again faster. (Ad)