Smoothies for good health

Smoothies for good health / Health News

Smoothies with vegetables and fruits are trendy


Fruits and vegetables are healthy and strengthen the body's defenses. They can be prepared not only as solid food but also as a drink. These so-called smoothies enjoy a healthy extra for the day, not without reason a growing popularity. There are numerous restaurants and specialty juice bars serving freshly made smoothies.

The Restaurant Mangold in Graz also has its own juice bar with numerous different smoothies on offer. Recommended here are, for example, a smoothie with fresh carrot, mango and apple as well as the VEGGIE MANIA smoothie, which also contains celery and fennel. The manager of the restaurant Julia Pengg emphasized to the Austrian „Little newspaper“, that the „Trend this year certainly in the direction of green vegetables“ go.

Puree soft fruit, juice hard fruit
According to nutritionist Barbara Kossär, who opens the Wild & Smooth restaurant in Graz at the beginning of March, beverages made from pureed fruit and vegetable juices contain extremely high levels of vitamins and nutrients „Small newspaper“. It also independent creations from different fruit and vegetables are possible. In Mangolds, for example, customers can put together a juice made from organic fruits and vegetables themselves. To what extent the variations also convince in taste, remains however open. Anyone who wants to experiment a little at home, according to the Mangolds boss Julia Pengg should make sure that soft fruits or vegetables such as bananas, kiwis or oranges are blended with the blender, while harder fruits and vegetables like apples, pears or carrots in one Juicers belong, so the announcement of the „Little newspaper“

Superfood powder as a supplement to the smoothies?
In order to increase the vitamin and nutrient content of the smoothies, were from so-called „Superfoods“ like goji berries or chia seeds, which have a very high nutritional value, extracts extracted, which can be added to the smoothies, reports the „Small newspaper“. This superfood powder will be mixed into the drinks, explains Julia Pengg the trend she became aware of at the organic trade fair in Nuremberg. The Mangolds boss was rather skeptical about the powder. „I do not think much of it because I can not imagine that such a powder should be really healthy“, quotes the „Small newspaper“ the managing director of the Swiss chard.

Organic smoothies with local ingredients
The nutritionist and yoga teacher Barbara Kossär will also do without additives such as superfood powder in the smoothies in her new restaurant. It uses organic ingredients and provides smoothies with spring water in biodegradable cornstarch cups. Self-collected wild herbs and berries from local forests enhance their smoothies. „The fact that everything is freshly mixed - usually including the bowls -, the nutrients are contained in concentrated form and are absorbed very quickly and easily by the body“, is Barbara Kossär of the „Little newspaper“ cited.

Smoothies with different health effects
The nutritionist recommends, for example, a smoothie with apples, cucumbers and young spinach leaves, which should cleanse the entire organism and help with detoxification. A smoothie made from apples, bananas and wild herbs depending on the season (nettle, yaw, Gundelrebe, dandelion, etc.) dehydrate the body, help to detoxify the liver and stimulate the metabolism. For a better digestion, more endurance and energy, a smoothie made from forest blueberries or raspberries, bananas and chia seeds.„Our society works a lot and therefore does not do much to do the body any good. Smoothies are ideal for that“, so the conclusion of the nutritionist. (Fp)

Picture: Daisies