Smartphones and tablets lead to mental problems in children and adolescents

Smartphones and tablets lead to mental problems in children and adolescents / Health News

What effect does the use of smartphones have on children??

The use of smartphones and tablets has a negative effect on mental well-being. Researchers have now found that even a short time before such devices in children and adolescents increases the likelihood of the development of anxiety and depression. Especially small children are particularly affected.

The researchers from San Diego State University and the University of Georgia in their recent joint study found that the use of smartphones and tablets, especially in children and adolescents more often leads to anxiety and depression. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Preventive Medicine Reports".

In children, the use of smartphones has a negative impact on mental health. (Image: Natallia Vintsik /

Already a short time before the screen leads to negative effects

If children and adolescents only spend an hour in front of the screen of smartphones and tablets every day, this leads to a deterioration in mental well-being. Affected persons have less curiosity, less self-control and less emotional stability. This increases the risk of fears and depression. The study analyzed data from more than 40,000 children aged two to 17 years in the United States. The researchers found that people between the ages of 14 and 17 were at higher risk for such side effects, but found the correlations also in younger children and infants whose brains are still developing.

Children were less inquisitive

The study found that preschoolers, who often looked at the screens of smartphones and tablets, lost their control about twice as often. If children between the ages of 11 and 13 spent an hour a day watching TV, they had nine percent less interest in learning new things. This number rose to 22.6 percent when the screen time of those affected was seven hours or more.

How much time do young people spend in front of the screen??

Half of the mental health problems develop in adolescence, study authors Professor Jean Twenge of San Diego State University and Professor Keith Campbell of the University of Georgia explain. Therefore, there is an acute need to identify influenceable factors related to mental health problems. Parents and teachers should make sure that children spend less time online, less time watching video games and watching TV. According to the National Institute of Health, young people spend an average of five to seven hours in front of the screens of tablets and smartphones in their spare time. Professor Twenge suggested that when using smartphones, a limit of two hours for children should be introduced. (As)