Scandals Infant infected with HIV treated with lemon juice

Scandals Infant infected with HIV treated with lemon juice / Health News
Ordinary therapy stopped and son brought to the miracle healer with AIDS
A 50-year-old man was sentenced by the district court of Dusseldorf to a multiple prison sentence on probation. He had repeatedly stopped the therapy of his HIV-infected child and turned it into a miracle healer. This has "treated" the boy with lemon juice.

Therapy stopped by own HIV-infected child
While HIV self-healing has been observed in recent years, British researchers have recently reported that they have achieved HIV healing, but these are special cases under very specific conditions. A cure of AIDS is currently not possible. But some people seem to believe it strongly. So also a father from North Rhine-Westphalia, who broke off the therapy of his HIV-infected child and brought it to a "miracle healer".

A man from North Rhine-Westphalia has stopped the treatment of his HIV-infected son several times and instead brought him to a miracle healer. He was now sentenced to probation. (Image: stockpics /

Mother is wanted by warrant
The Dusseldorf district court sentenced the 50-year-old man on Tuesday for two years on probation. As the news agency dpa reports, the court left it despite the "grave concerns" of the prosecutor in the suspended sentence, because the single parent still has to take care of two more children. The 37-year-old mother is said to be fleeting and is now being searched for a warrant.

Heavily disabled child could be healthy
The boy's parents initially concealed the mother's HIV infection, then refused HIV testing in the child, and eventually discontinued therapy after the onset of AIDS, despite warnings from doctors. Instead, they had kidnapped her son according to dpa from a clinic and brought to a miracle healer.

Now the little one is a nursing case. The six-year-old can not talk, does not eat and sits in a special wheelchair. According to a testimony of a pediatrician of the Düsseldorf University Hospital, the child would have been born with more than 99 percent probability of no HIV infection, if one had known about the mother's HIV infection.

The judge Susanne Goergens therefore said to the father: "They have put him in mortal danger." The 50-year-old had distrusted the diagnosis and therapy in the university clinic and attributed the brain damage of the child to an anesthetic error of the doctors.

"Treatment" with lemon juice and sugar solution
He therefore turned his son into a miracle healer who claimed to be able to destroy the Cobra Antidote AIDS virus in 24 hours. According to the information, however, he had the child "treated" with lemon juice and sugar solution.

"How can you believe that only after looking at his website for just ten seconds?" Prosecutor Laura de Bruyn asked outraged. "This mixture of ignorance and the fatal consequences for the child is frightening."

Defender Markus Wittke said the wife had probably considered the healer "the last straw" after which she had resorted to her despair.

Father still seems to be convinced of therapy
Against the healer is not further determined, since he was judicially declared crazy and thus innocent. The boy's parents are from West Africa, where there are still very peculiar views about AIDS. However, his father has been in Germany since 1993, so cultural differences are no excuse.

In addition, the doctors had repeatedly informed him and urgently warned to cancel the therapy. Nevertheless, he has put his son in mortal danger. "He trusted in some hocus-pocus and let the child run into the disability with a clear-sighted eye," says de Bruyn. However, the father does not seem convinced that the Cobra antivenin is not an effective HIV therapy. He asked the prosecutor: "Can you prove that?"

Constructions of reality
The Western and African constructions of reality and their implications for the understanding of health and disease are discussed by Drs. As long as Nzimegne-Gölz from Berlin in the brochure "HIV and AIDS - dealing with patients from sub-Saharan Africa" ​​very well explained.

"Traditional African medicine sees the cause of illness in actions and thoughts that violate rules, such as For example, against a taboo, against the demands of the ancestors or against tribal rules, "wrote the German AIDS Aid in an older documentary. "In this world of imagination, there are neither virally-transmitted nor incurable diseases." (Ad)