Scandal doctor At least 200 wrong diagnoses

Scandal doctor At least 200 wrong diagnoses / Health News

Dutch neurologist is said to have made more than 200 wrong diagnosis with dramatic consequences


On Monday, the case begins against the Dutch neurologist Ernst Jansen, who is said to have misdiagnosed and treated more than 200 patients. Among other things, the scandal doctor is accused of unauthorized autopsies and brain surgery as well as the intentional falsification of test results and pretending of serious diagnoses. Due to his dependence on medication, he is said to have also stolen prescriptions and falsified documents. Incredible allegations, the truth of which the court in the Dutch Almelo from next week must examine and judge. Jansen himself admits some misdemeanors, which he committed however because of his addiction and overloading. Whether the innumerable false diagnoses and therapies are actually unintentional malpractices is doubtful.

Neurologist harms patients sometimes hard
The „scandal doctor“, Horror doctor“ or „Dr. Frankenstein“, as Jansen is dubbed by the media, practiced not only in the Netherlands, but also in some clinics in Germany. The trial, starting on Monday in Almelo and likely to be the largest medical criminal case in the Netherlands, is all about the 68-year-old's crime committed in Holland. Jansen is accused of making false diagnoses in more than 200 patients and sometimes having to initiate serious therapies. He should be like one „God in white“ have diagnosed Alzheimer's or multiple sclerosis (MS) in healthy people or other people suffering from ailments.

Since the beginning of the 90s until 2003 he is said to be at the Dutch hospital „Medisch Spectrum Twente "diagnosed Alzheimer's disease in more than 200 patients, which led the patient to taking strong medications for presumed dementia for many years, but it turned out that he suffered from burnout For years, the 54-year-old had to deal with the idea of ​​becoming a nursing case and of dying, as cases like this show the pain that Jansen has caused not only physically, such as unnecessary surgery, but also mentally over his patients. According to the prosecution, a patient had even committed suicide following treatment by the neurologist.

A total of nine cases prosecutors sought for the trial. In addition, Jansen are accused of unauthorized autopsies and brain surgery, theft, document forgery and embezzlement. Ten years have passed since the neurologist's first failures became known. Meanwhile, the doctor continued to practice undisturbed and in 2010, a patient in Germany has caused serious harm to an unnecessary spinal cord puncture. In this country he worked under the name Jansen Steur at at least seven clinics.

Scandal doctor denies the deliberate placing of false diagnoses
Jansen rejects all allegations. The media would wrongly portray him as a criminal. Terms like „Horror doctor“ are „so disgusting, "said the 68-year-old to the newspaper „NRC Handelsblad. "But the neurologist acknowledges that he has caused great suffering, which he regrets, but he has always acted with the utmost care, according to Jansen, his transgressions should be seen as malpractice by an overburdened physician.

The 68-year-old has now admitted some irrefutable offenses. So he had faked and stolen prescriptions to serve his drug addiction. He also acknowledged that he had embezzled 88,000 euros from a foundation. „I lived well, "the news agency quotes „dpa“ the doctor.

However, the prosecution also sees a clear, criminally relevant fact. The neurologist should have deliberately submitted to patients false test results and images of their brain to prove the outrageous diagnoses.

The Jansen case shows how long it takes for such a case to go to court. As early as 2003, the neurologist, who had enjoyed a good reputation until then, had to leave the hospital in Enschede after stealing prescriptions. Already at this time was repeatedly misdiagnosed speech. Although 220 former patients of the doctor have reported since 2005, of which 80 have already been compensated, the public prosecutor's office did not initiate investigations until 2009. At the same time began an internal investigation of the hospital. The neurologist had to cut the pressure on the health authority from the Dutch medical register. In return, no disciplinary proceedings were initiated.

By the end of 2012 Jansen practiced undisturbed in Germany. „I am not convicted. I saw my qualities. "If a guilty verdict comes in February, the neurologist will face a 12-year prison sentence.

It can not be denied that doctors in many clinics are exposed to permanent overloading. That this increases the risk of unwanted artifacts, is also close. However, the manner and quantity of Jansen's transgressions indicate that this is not a regrettable malpractice but rather a deliberate damage to the patient. (Ag)