Are nasal sprays sprouting germs?

Are nasal sprays sprouting germs? / Health News

Are nasal sprays sprouting germs? This question has been investigated by a study


In an Australian study, scientists were able to show that patients with rhinosinusitis who use a nasal spray may get infected again and again over the use of the spray.

In patients with rhinosinusitis, the researchers took smears from the middle meatus nasi, from the nasal vestibule and from the top of the spray vial. The contents of the spray were also examined microbiologically.

All patients had staphylococci in the nasal cavity. In a large part of the subjects also the findings on the spray was positive. The rate of cross-contamination was 71% for the carriers of the germ and 20% for all subjects. The spray liquid was microbiologically perfect. The scientists fear that patients could possibly constantly reinfect themselves with bacteria when using the sprays.

The spray tip can be cleaned of the germs by the following measures: washing in boiling water, wiping with alcohol and irradiating the tip in the microwave for one minute. On the other hand, cold water or dishwashing detergent did little or nothing. (Pm)

Image: Andreas Morlok / Pixelio