Safe walking in old age - exercise balance and gait safety

Safe walking in old age - exercise balance and gait safety / Health News
BZgA: Train a safe transition in old age
In old age, balance disorders and walking difficulties are a common complaint. The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) has published two brochures on the topic of balance and strength in older people, which explain ways to prevent falls and exercises for training the stability and gait. Anyone who has uncertainties when walking should, according to the experts discuss with his doctor possible countermeasures.

Many senior citizens have difficulty walking. (Image: Ingo Bartussek /

Many seniors are uncertain when walking and show an increased risk of falling. Improved balance and strength can enable you to stand and walk safely again, the BZgA reports in the booklet "Balance and Strength - The Exercise Program - Fit and Agile in Old Age". Those affected can learn the first exercises that "positively affect your health, mobility and physical well-being," says the BZgA. With their help, the independence and quality of life can be maintained or even improved at any age.

Exercises for gait and stability
In the guide "Balance and Strength - The Exercise Program - Fit and Agile in Old Age" further possibilities for improving the stability and stability as well as general health, mobility and physical well-being for senior citizens are presented. Even simple exercises that can be easily integrated into everyday life develop here according to the BZgA far-reaching positive effects. (Fp)