Sensational surgery Siamese twins separated in 27-hour operation

Sensational surgery Siamese twins separated in 27-hour operation / Health News
Doctors separate heads of Siamese twins in 27-hour operation
In New York, doctors have successfully separated two siamese twins grown together on their heads. The 13-month-old boy's surgery lasted 27 hours. Without the surgery the children would have had only a small life expectancy.

Siamese twins in marathon op isolated
Two Siamese twins joined together at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore Medical Center in New York have been successfully separated after a total of 27 hours of medical intervention. But the separation of the two skulls took about 16 hours, reports the news channel "CNN". Thereupon further operations were necessary to complete the heads of the two brothers again.

In New York, doctors have successfully disconnected two head-connected Siamese twins in a 27-hour operation. (Image: Tobilander /

Low life expectancy without surgery
As the mother Nicole McDonald wrote after the surgery on Facebook, the two 13-month-old Jadon and Anias had shared an approximately five-by-seven-inch area of ​​brain tissue.

It was reported that the parents were facing a difficult decision because about 80 percent of head-related Siamese twins would die within the first two years of life without such surgery. In addition, the surgery can cause permanent brain damage.

Recovery will take weeks
They decided on the procedure and did not regret it. "Two separate babies," wrote the mother after the operation on Facebook. "I was barely able to say the word thank you because of the stone, which is still hard in my stomach."

She also commented on her fears: "The next few months will be crucial in terms of recovery and we will not know for sure how Anias and Jadon will recover for many weeks."

Nicole McDonald's contribution has been shared more than 10,000 times. In addition, thousands of users expressed their congratulations in Likes and Comments.

Malfunctioning of identical twins
The term "Siamese twins" in medicine refers to an aberration in identical twins, by which the children are connected with each other after birth. Experts believe that about a Siamese twin pair comes to one million live births. In this case, the compound can be limited only to outer tissue, or even reach to the inner organs.

In most cases, the adhesion in the chest area occurs. The children have all the vital organs, a surgical procedure is possible, however, especially the separation of grown-up babies is considered very risky. (Ad)