Strange disease wave calls for two casualties

Strange disease wave calls for two casualties / Health News

70 patients with severe flu symptoms hospitalized


In Sauerland, a wave of flu-like symptoms claimed two casualties and a total of 70 people were hospitalized for the complaints. As the Health Department of the district Soest announced on Friday was „an accumulation of flu-like illnesses in and around Warstein are reported, which are partly associated with severe pneumonia.“ At today's press conference, more details on the wave of the disease should be announced.

Cause of the disease wave in Sauerlang unclear
The Maria Hilf hospital in Warstein has taken a total of 70 patients in the past ten days, two of which did not survive the disease. According to the authorities, a 47-year-old and a 53-year-old man died from the disease. While the younger patient is said to have suffered from various pre-existing conditions, according to initial findings, the older person was not ailing, reports the „Rheinische Post“ citing the statement of the Soester health director, Dr. med. Frank Renken. The cause of the flu-like complaints is based, according to the authorities so far unclear. However, there is a suspicion of an infectious disease as some of the individuals had direct contact before the onset of symptoms. (Fp)

Picture credits: Michael Bührke