Even kissing is allowed - alternative therapies for herpes blisters

Even kissing is allowed - alternative therapies for herpes blisters / Health News

Alternative methods against the annoying cold sores

Who does not know them - the annoying, annoying bubbles that appear after too much stress, disgust, too little sleep, unhealthy diet or strong sunlight on the lip. Once our body had contact with herpes, some viruses stay in our nerve processes forever. If our immune system is weakened, there is now the danger that the viruses along our nerves again penetrate to the skin and annoy us with new bubbles.

Although there are remedies for herpes viruses, such as tablets or infusions, but they are used only in very strong course. The most common variant for the fight against herpes are ointments. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), an estimated 85 percent of the population in Germany are infected with the herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1). This is in most cases responsible for the unpleasant and painful cold sores and is usually transmitted as early as childhood. For more information on the origin, see the article "annoying cold sores".

Alternative herpes: Zinc and the amino acid lysine should be able to prevent an outbreak of herpes viruses in many cases and tea tree oil and Zistrosenbalsam to help against the blisters. (Image: blackday / fotolia.com)

With zinc, lysine, tea tree oil and Cystrosal Balm against the herpes

"Personally, I do not think much of it and prefer to use herbal ingredients and dietary supplements," says Silke Kranz, sports and nutritional medicine in Bad Zell, in a report by the magazine "kurier.at". The intake of zinc and the amino acid lysine in most cases sufficient for the physician to prevent the outbreak. "If there's a bubble, I'll sprinkle it with tea tree oil," explains Kranz. As soon as the healing begins and the site threatens to rupture, cream the affected area with Cyst Rose Balm. "All mentioned tips are not the same Evidence Based Medicine, this means that neither tea tree oil nor cistus are mentioned in international guidelines, "reports Kranz. However, there are studies that underline their effectiveness.
More information about home remedies for herpes.

Bad news for sweet tooth

Stay away from chocolate and nuts. These foods contain high levels of the amino acid L-arginine. Kranz says this amino acid promotes viral growth. Affected people need to console themselves with something else during the outbreak of infection.

Kissing allowed

Kranz and other experts can not understand the myth that kissing is forbidden in herpes. Since 85 percent of the population already have the virus in their bodies and almost all adults have had contact with herpes, the potential for infection among adults is very low when they come in physical contact with an infected person. "Well, kiss well," Kranz says. (Fp)