Science Cancer Immunotherapy Top Discovery 2013

Science Cancer Immunotherapy Top Discovery 2013 / Health News

Year: „Science“ chooses cancer immunotherapy for top discovery 2013


According to the expert magazine „Science“ the progress in cancer immunotherapy is the scientific top discovery of 2013. This year, the strategy, which has been researched for decades, has finally shown its full potential.

Finally shown full potential
The trade magazine „Science“ has recognized the advances in cancer immunotherapy and named it a top scientific discovery in 2013. The editors justify their decision in a statement that the strategy that has been researching for decades has finally shown its full potential this year. „A new chapter in cancer research and treatment has begun.“

Tested on a few cancers
In cancer immunotherapy is not the tumor in the foreground, but rather the immune system. The method aims to induce immune cells to fight the cancer. So far, however, it has been tested only on a few cancers and not yet extensively.

Sleep for renovation and repair
Among the nine other discoveries it made on the annual list of the „Science“-The discovery of the magazine also reveals that the human brain cleans and repairs itself while sleeping. Using experiments on mice, researchers have shown that the brain expands channels between neurons during sleep so that more brain fluid can flow through it. According to the scientists, this suggests that sanitation and repair are among the most important reasons why people sleep.

Mini-organs bred in the laboratory
Furthermore, the shared „Science“-Editor also noted that progress on mini-organs grown in the laboratory this year was remarkable. Among other things, so small livers, kidneys and brains were created, which could one day be used much better for experimental purposes than experimental animals. The breakthrough in research into the myriad microbes living in the body was also recognized. The magazine's report states that it has become clear how important these mini-living beings are for humans. For example, intestinal bacteria could contribute to a severe form of malnutrition. In the future, the microbes of a human being would have to be more closely involved in the treatment of medicine.

Stem cells from human clone embryos
2013 was also the year in which US researchers first succeeded in producing human clone embryos and extracting stem cells from them. For this they used a method that also led to the so-called clone sheep Dolly. But they explicitly did not want to create clone humans. The scientists used a caffeinated solution for their controversial trial.

New method makes brain tissue appear transparent
Also represented on the list of top discoveries of the year is the „CRISPR“-Structure. The discovery of sections of repeating DNA had been used by more than a dozen research teams to alter the genome of plants, animals, and human cells. Meanwhile, the structure is considered as a scalpel for the manipulation of individual genes. Also praised was a new technique to represent brain tissue. As the „Science“-Editors said they have the method that makes the tissue appear transparent so that brain cells are clearly visible, „the way researchers look at this complex organ changes.“

New ingredient against childhood disease
The list also includes a new ingredient that effectively combats childhood disease and new solar cell material that makes it easier and cheaper to manufacture. In addition, a discovery from astronomy made it to the list. In 2013, for example, scientists proved for the first time the assumption that has existed for decades that cosmic radiation can arise from the dust of exploding stars. Last year, the editors of „Science“ Chosen the probable discovery of the Higgs particle as the scientific breakthrough of the year. (Ad)

Picture: Tim Reckmann