Sultry weather endangers the health of the body

Sultry weather endangers the health of the body / Health News

Germany is close to a heat wave. In some areas, up to 35 degrees are expected in the shade. Such an increase in temperature poses health risks for many people, as one expert from the Techniker Krankenkasse reported. Therefore, some important precautions have to be taken.


Because a veritable heat wave is imminent in Germany, health experts advise to drink at least two to three liters of water or juice spritzer distributed throughout the day. Because of the humid weather „threaten circulatory problems, dizziness and exhaustion“, as the TK Niedersachsen reported on Monday in Hannover. A great danger is exposed to people who have a not very stable cycle due to their medical history. These include those suffering from a chronic disease, overweight to obese and people who are already older. Especially these people should pay attention on the hot days on a sufficient cooling and hydration, to prevent internal dehydration. It is good, preferably in the shade, in cool or darkened rooms to stay and to refrain from strenuous activities in the midday heat such as gardening.

Even healthy people should not be exposed to the sun, especially at lunchtime, and avoid hot spots. Infants and toddlers need to be protected from heat because their bodies can not cool off enough by sweating. People with weak veins should wear their support stockings, especially on hot days, so that the blood does not sag in the legs due to the dilation of the blood vessels and cause additional circulatory problems.

In order not to burden the cycle in the hot season in addition, the diet should also be changed, advises the TK, and be waived on fatty food. If the company canteen offers goulash, roast with cream sauce or bacon pancakes despite the summer heat, you should take fresh food from home. The food should be easy to digest, rich in vitamins and nutrients. That should not be difficult in the summer, because it is fruit and salad season. Fruits and vegetables are available in all variations and are also suitable to take to the office.

Also, as little coffee or black tea as possible, and no alcohol should be drunk during the day. Plenty of mineral water (depending on temperature levels and sweat production two to four liters a day), diluted fruit and vegetable juices quench the thirst and compensate for the loss of fluid and mineral by sweating again.

Further heat protection tips:
Put your legs up for a few minutes every now and then. This relieves the vessels and prevents swelling of the feet and legs. In case of heat, do without sports or other strenuous physical activities. Wear airy and loose clothing with as little fiber as possible. Bright fabrics promote heat radiation and thus sweat evaporation. A cold, damp cloth on the neck or on the forehead refreshes and cools effectively. It also has a beneficial freshness effect to keep your forearms under running cold water every now and then for a few minutes or to treat yourself to a cool foot bath. (Sb)