Sweat anti-sweat strategies for hot days

Sweat anti-sweat strategies for hot days / Health News

Tips against sweat stains and unpleasant sweat odors


Sweating - a topic that affects almost everyone as soon as the temperatures rise again. But while some only occasionally show some droplets of sweat, others suffer from very heavy or even excessive perspiration. The extent of the sweating is largely disposition - nevertheless, there are also some tips and ways to sweat for people who sweat fast and a lot „dry“ to come through the summer.

Sweating is natural and vital
Beginning of summer, 30 ° C in the shade and bright blue sky. With the rising temperatures, almost everyone automatically sweats, because this process is completely natural and even vital for the body. „The sweat works like an air conditioning system that protects the body against overheating via evaporative cooling, "says Christian Raulin from the German Dermatologists' Association (BVDD) „dpa“. From a core body temperature of 37 degrees, this natural process begins to protect the body from overheating. Accordingly, every person must or should sweat, if it gets too warm inside, be it during sports, by summer heat, with fever or if he is dressed too warm.

Hyperhidrosis can lead to social withdrawal and anxiety
Who sweats and how much, is largely predisposition. While the highest temperatures in one cause only a slight sweating, in others, the sweat runs faster and stronger, which usually causes an uncomfortable feeling and discomfort. In some cases, people even suffer from excessive sweating (medically: hyperhidrosis), causing the body to sweat excessively and uncontrollably, regardless of heat or cold, day or season. In hyperhidrosis or hyperhidrosis, everyday life is in most cases massively impaired, because every handshake alone becomes a major problem, every social contact is associated with shame and insecurity. As a result, it is not uncommon for social withdrawal, fears and depressive moods.

Ekkrine and apocrine sweat glands with different functions
But what is sweat? This term refers to an aqueous secretion which is secreted by the skin via the sweat glands. Differences are made between „eccrine“ and „apocrine“ Sweat glands, of which the former spread over the entire surface of the skin about two to three million. „They are present in a high density of hands, feet and armpits and produce an aqueous, electrolyte-rich secretion, "continues Christian Raulin.This is mainly used to regulate temperature, but also, for example, the moisturization of the skin and the skin protection.The apocrine sweat glands come in contrast In contrast to the usually clear and thin eccrine sweat, the apocrine sweat is milky-turbid and rather viscous, but this form of sweat does not start until the Puberty produced by the body and has compared to ekkrinen sweat only one task: the release of fragrances.

Control of the sweat glands probably works differently fast
If fresh sweat secreted, both secretions are initially completely odorless. This changes only when it is decomposed by bacteria, because it forms the unpleasant-smelling substances such as butyric acid and acetic acid, which eventually as typically sour or pungent „odor“ be perceived. The bacteria are found primarily in areas where the sweat can dry badly - as in the underarms. How much „food“ The bacteria here are different from person to person, for example, men usually produce more heat and sweat than women due to the higher muscle mass. „Presumably, the control of the sweat glands works differently fast“, explains Christoph Schick from the German Hyperhidrosis Center (DHHZ) to dpa.

„A little movement and the water just runs down“
„I've always been sweating more than many people. Not extreme, but usually just a little movement, and the water just runs down so“, reports Barbara M. „In the summer, of course, this is getting stronger. When it's really warm, I do not feel very well. I am always afraid that others will see the sweat stains and I smell bad“, so Barbara M. on. Thus, Barbara M. is not an isolated case, instead, many people suffer from heavy sweating, about one to two percent of the population are even affected by the disease hyperhidrosis. The problem here: Since the sweat production is controlled by genetic predisposition, but also by hormones or diseases, this can only be influenced to a limited extent.

Pay more attention to hygiene and nutrition
However, there are some strategies that can be used - especially if you tend to sweat quickly. An important point is the diet, because on the one hand hot spices, but also coffee and alcohol increase the heat production in the body, a waiver in warm temperatures is recommended. The right clothing plays an important role in the summer. Here should be used to avoid large sweat spots to other, air-permeable textiles instead of too skin-tight shirts. Although this does not prevent the sweating itself, the airiness can evaporate the moisture better and wet spots and unpleasant odor have fewer opportunities.

Avoid products with aluminum chloride better
In general, more attention should be paid to hygiene, because only then can the odor-causing bacteria be effectively combated. In addition to the regular change of linen and washing the clothes, this naturally also means a careful body care with water and gentle cleansing products. „With small Kunststoffknäulen or spongy sponges to achieve cracks and wrinkles best“, recommends Christoph Schick from the German Hyperhidrosis Center (DHHZ) in Munich. After washing, a lot of sweat should definitely go for a deodorant or antiperspirant to fight unpleasant body odor. There are a variety of deodorant products, however, products containing aluminum chloride are often preferred due to their high potency. Here, experts warn again and again about possible health risks, because the aluminum salts enter the body, they could possibly cause long-term damage there

Reduce stress with appropriate techniques
Many people react with increased sweat production even when they are stressed. This form of sweating occurs regardless of temperature, for example in stressful situations at work or during a dispute with the partner. To get here „thicker coat“ Various stress-relieving exercises and techniques such as yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, or breathing exercises can be helpful. (No)

Image: Benjamin Thorn