Dizziness and fainting are indications of life-threatening illnesses

Dizziness and fainting are indications of life-threatening illnesses / Health News

Fainting should never be taken lightly

Although a brief unconsciousness can be harmless, it can also be a symptom of life-threatening illness. If known or unknown heart disease is present, the risk of sudden cardiac death is significantly increased. Therefore, short fainting fits or falls with unclear causes should always be examined by a doctor, warns the German Heart Foundation.

"You should definitely mention in the clarification, for example, whether you have felt shortly before the unconsciousness evidence of cardiac arrhythmia," advises Professor. med. Wolfgang von Scheidt, member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Heart Foundation and Cardiologist at the Augsburg Hospital, in a press release from the Foundation. Heart stumbling, heart palpitations, tachycardia or even a much slower pulse may indicate cardiovascular disease.

The German Heart Foundation advises to always visit a doctor for dizziness and powerlessness. Often, the seizures are harmless, but they can also point to severe, sometimes even life-threatening illnesses. (Image: Stasique / fotolia.com)

Sudden fainting due to cardiac arrhythmia

As the specialist reports, fainting due to cardiac arrhythmia usually occurs suddenly and without harbingers. On the other hand, other causes often show signs of dizziness, dizziness, or weakness. Such harbingers should always be discussed with a doctor, as this can show how to behave in such situations to prevent fainting and the eventual subsequent fall, so Scheidt.

What does the doctor want to know??

According to the cardiology professor, information on the course of the fainting attack is an important clue to the underlying cause. For example, it is important to know whether the unconsciousness has occurred under physical exertion, such as when climbing stairs or exercising. Furthermore, information about psychological influences such as stress or excitement and also sexual activities are important to determine the reason. Also, the doctor should be told whether and what drugs are taken, because some medicines for high blood pressure could cause dizziness or brief unconsciousness. "Information on pre-existing conditions as well as the duration and the course of unconsciousness also help the doctor in the search for the diagnosis," said the expert.

Recognize harbingers

If the fainting suddenly comes out of nowhere, this should be reported to the doctor. For many causes, however, an unconsciousness announces before. According to the heart experts, many forms of powerlessness can be prevented by interpreting the harbingers correctly. These include:

  • nausea,
  • heavy sweating,
  • dizziness,
  • dizziness,
  • weakness,
  • malaise,
  • blurred vision or eyelashes.

Even unpleasant information can be of importance

To prevent a false diagnosis, it is important, according to the experts of the German Heart Foundation, to mention embarrassing or unpleasant details in connection with the powerlessness. For example, the fainting attack took place

  • in a violent quarrel?
  • when urinating?
  • in sexual activity?
  • at the sight of a spider?
  • during a pop concert?

Medicinal influences

When taking certain medications, it can also lead to fainting. If, for example, the powerlessness starts when lying down or sitting up, high-dose high-blood pressure medication could be the cause. Since it can also lead to interactions with several drugs, it makes sense to call the doctor necessarily all medications, even those that are available without a prescription, so the expert advice. (Vb)