Swimming in the lake So avoid bad accidents

Swimming in the lake So avoid bad accidents / Health News
Danger of accidents at bathing lakes: Important information to minimize the risk
The local bathing lakes are in good weather a popular destination and the jump into the cool wet brings a pleasant cooling at high temperatures. But "unfortunately it comes again and again to serious to deadly swimming accidents, because swimmers overestimate their abilities or they behave carelessly in the water," reminds the University Hospital Freiburg in a recent press release. The experts give important tips on how to prevent such accidents and how rescuers respond best.

After children have completed their first swimming class, many parents are significantly less worried when their little ones play in the water. But "the swimming skills that children learn with the seahorse are far from sufficient to be able to safely swim in clear waters," warns the Medical Director of the University Emergency Center (UNZ) Freiburg, Dr. med. Hans-Joerg Busch. And swimming accidents are not only dangerous for those affected, but also the rescuers are often in danger, according to the expert.

At the lake, the risk of accidents is often underestimated, which can have fatal consequences. (Image: b-photodesign / fotolia.com)

Observe local warnings
Both at the sea and at bathing lakes a certain caution is advised, in order to avoid accidents. Regular swimming training is only part of the solution here. In any case, it is also important to pay attention to local warnings, according to the communication of the Freiburg University Hospital. Because these can point to dangers such as currents, which represent a risk even for good swimmers. They are often powerless against the effects of suction. In addition, it is important to check the water depth. "Jumping into a not sufficiently deep or unknown waters are life-threatening, because if you hit the ground or an object in the water, it can lead to severe head and spine injuries," warns the University Hospital Freiburg.

Cool down before bathing
Furthermore, it is important to get used to the body temperature of the water and not jumping head first into the cold water with aufgegehitztem body. Ideally, the body is first cooled under a shower and then slowly into the water, so the message of the University of Freiburg. "A particularly at-risk bathing accident group is men over the age of 60 whose cardiovascular system is weakened," warns. Bush. When the outside temperature is high, jumping into cold water can lead to rapid fatigue, cramps or even heart failure.

In addition, it is important to avoid hypothermia in the water. Therefore, one should not stay too long in the water and respond urgently at the first alarming signs such as shaking, shivering, deep breathing and fast heartbeat, according to the University Hospital's message.

Rescuers are also quickly endangered
Running Persons Danger of drowning, quick help is required. But also the "rescuers must pay attention to possible risks and stick to a few important rules, so that they do not go themselves in danger", so the reference of the Freiburg University Hospital. Dr. Busch reports that in the emergency rooms in Freiburg many helpers had to be treated "that they have overwhelmed in a rescue operation." Therefore, the rescuers should consider the following points, according to the University Hospital, when a person gets into trouble in the water:

  • keep Calm.
  • Immediately contact the emergency call and make other bathers aware of the situation.
  • Inform experienced lifeguards of the local bathing supervision.
  • Sending a floating object to the rescue. Because rescuers who swim to a person in distress are often also pressed under panic of those affected under water.
  • Bring the person to shore and check respiration and pulse if necessary. If necessary, initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  • Perform chest compressions and artificial respiration until the ambulance arrives.
  • If the person breates adequately, put them in the stable side position and continue to check the breathing.

In order not to take unnecessary risks, bathers should always observe the bathing rules of the DLRG when staying at the lake, which they can see here. This way, most of the bathing accidents can be avoided right from the start. (Fp)