Serious suspicion of manipulation Manufacturer recalls milk mixed drink Joe Clever

Serious suspicion of manipulation Manufacturer recalls milk mixed drink Joe Clever / Health News

Affected product intentionally manipulated?

In fact, contamination of products during manufacture rarely occurs. In such cases, manufacturers are forced to recall their goods from the market. Sometimes, however, there are other reasons why producers take their products off the market. The Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety warns now that so-called drinking packs of the company Vogtlandmilch GmbH with the designation "Joe Clever" could have been deliberately manipulated. Consumption should therefore be avoided at all costs.

Parents should pay attention to which mixed milk drinks they give their children to drink. A product of Vogtlandmilch GmbH seems to have been deliberately manipulated. The company has now withdrawn the dairy-mix drink called "Joe Clever" from the market. Also the Federal Office for consumer protection and food safety warned on its portal before the consumption of the drink.

The manufacturer of the mixed milk drink "Joe Clever" has recalled his product due to a deliberate manipulation of the packaging. (Picture:

There are several reasons for a product recall

Again and again there is a contamination of food. The reasons for this are quite different, sometimes there are errors in the production, which lead to contamination, in other cases, foreign bodies (such as glass fragments) are included in the product. It may also happen, as in this case, that products are deliberately manipulated by outsiders.

Parents should warn their children of the danger of the milk mix drink

The milk mixed drink "Joe Clever" actually seems to have been deliberately manipulated. The manufacturer therefore advises that this product should not be consumed for safety reasons. Especially parents should make sure that their children do not consume such contaminated drinking packs.

Affected is "Joe Clever" flavor strawberry

Explicitly it is about "Joe Clever milk mix drinks" in the flavor of strawberry. For the products which have the lot number 4021138001307, a manipulation was found. This is the area of ​​the puncture site of the drinking straw, say the experts. This manipulation was determined in the context of the operation and of course the conspicuous goods were immediately secured.

This way you can detect a manipulation of the product

"Joe Clever" is part of the so-called school milk program. Unfortunately, it can not be ruled out that goods affected by the manipulation have already entered the market. If you have bought one of the mixed milk drinks, make sure you make any changes to the packaging before you consume the milk. For example, punctures, opened packages, odor deviations may indicate a manipulation which has led to the contamination of the milk beverage. If you are unsure, do not consume the product. So far, according to the manufacturer, it is still unclear why the packaging has been tampered with.

Further review will now determine the extent of the risk

The manipulation was discovered by evidence of a food wholesaler. The findings of the official food inspection and the police then led to the suspicion of deliberate manipulation. The investigation showed that technical errors in the manufacturing process are not the reason for the detected manipulation. Unfortunately, it can not be completely ruled out that contaminated goods have been put into circulation by various means, such as school feeding. A review is now to determine the extent of the risk. If a concrete assessment is available, the result will be communicated to the public immediately. (As)