Serious infidelity with the Securvita health insurance?

Serious infidelity with the Securvita health insurance? / Health News

Infidelity at the Securvita BKK health insurance? Public prosecutor's office initiated preliminary proceedings due to a criminal complaint of the Federal Insurance Office.


The public prosecutor of the Hanseatic city of Hamburg has initiated investigations against the Securvita health insurance. It is currently being investigated against those responsible for the fund. The investigating authorities have already confirmed the receipt of two lawsuits. The Bundesversicherungsamt filed a criminal complaint.

The Hamburg prosecutor has initiated due to the initial suspicion of serious infidelity investigations against the statutory health insurance Securvita. Attorney General Wilhelm Möller confirmed the receipt of two lawsuits last Thursday. The complaint was made from a high place, a complaint was made by the Federal Insurance Office that u.a. is responsible for monitoring the health insurance funds. Concrete information on the allegations made neither the Federal Insurance Office nor the health insurance itself. However, announced the spokesman for Securvita, Peter Kuchenbuch, a statement. The Hamburger Abendblatt reported that the accusations are a lease that applies to the cash register's headquarters in Hamburg.

Securvita BKK has been on the cash register market since 1997 and already insures more than 170,000 people. The cash register enjoys a very good reputation, especially in Hamburg, because it Funded health services that other health insurances do not want to hear. For example, the health insurance fund is one of the few public health insurance companies that accepts services for acupuncture, homeopathy and naturopathy with appropriate indications. In addition, the Securvita company health insurance fund is increasingly involved in various projects for sustainability and ecology and is regarded as a flagship project in the industry. In a cash comparison of Focus-Money (47/2009) Securvita BKK was awarded as the health insurance with the "best performance". Whether the charges correspond to the facts, will be derived from the announced opinion. We will continue to report. (Sb)