Sweaty heat wave Helpful tips against extreme sweating

Sweaty heat wave Helpful tips against extreme sweating / Health News

Temperatures over 30 degrees: Natural aids against excessive sweating

The current heat wave is really sweaty. At temperatures above 30 degrees, you can even work up a sweat, even if you are hardly active. Some people, however, tend anyway to a stronger sweat production. Some simple tips can help prevent heavy sweating and unpleasant sweat odor.

Slack, drained and sweaty

The current heat wave is causing problems for many people. The temperatures, which are often over 30 degrees in many places, make sure that you often feel drained and limp. In addition, they encourage you to sweat more than usual. However, excessive sweating is not necessarily related to heat alone. Some people tend to prefer more sweat production. A few simple tips can help against heavy sweating and unpleasant sweat smell.

At the current temperatures, it is not surprising that it will get a good sweat. Nevertheless, some tips can help to avoid excessive perspiration and strong body odor. (Image: glisic_albina / fotolia.com)

Various causes of sweating

Sweating is a natural process in which excess heat is released and the temperature is regulated. The human body has two to four million sweat glands under the skin.

Most of them are located on the palms, soles and under the armpit, which explains why many people complain of sweaty feet or sweaty palms.

Not only in the heat and physical exertion, but also with stress, nervousness, stage fright or fear, we start to sweat.

In addition, hormonal factors, eating habits or illnesses influence sweating.

For example, diabetes, heart problems and thyroid disorders are among the most common causes of heavy sweating.

Sweating at night, among other things, can be an early symptom of some tumors. Night sweats occur mainly in lymph node cancer and leukemia.

Obesity is also a common cause of heavy sweating.

Airy clothes and open sandals

Human sweat consists of 99 percent water. There are also mineral salts, urea, fatty acids and glucose. Fresh sweat is odorless.

The unpleasant body odor arises only when sweat is decomposed by bacteria on the skin.

If not a disease of excessive sweating is the cause, there are many things you can do to get rid of the annoying stench. For example, overweight weight loss can help to less sweat.

Especially in the heat should be worn as light and airy clothes. This avoids heat accumulation and ensures that the body cools faster.

Anyone who suffers from sweaty feet in summer should pay attention to good ventilation, hygiene and the right footwear.

Those who walk completely barefoot in the summer months have the least problems. Even open shoes such as sandals offer significant advantages due to the good ventilation.

Sweat formation can also be reduced by using deodorants. By the contained antibacterial substances, the multiplication of the bacteria is restricted so that the undesirable odor is minimized.

Experts recommend that deodorants should always be applied to clean skin. However, some experts also advise against the use of such aids, since deodorant users can sweat significantly more on other parts of the body.

As an alternative, essential oils can be offered. For example, tea tree oil can stop unpleasant odors because it is antiseptic and antiviral.

It depends on the right nutrition

Even through proper nutrition you can meet the problem. On odor-promoting foods such as onions or garlic should be waived according to experts.

Beer, wine and Co should be especially currently better keep his hands, because on hot days does alcohol much faster and stronger and also provides a stronger sweating.

Also to be avoided are coffee, nicotine, spicy and indigestible foods.

Sage tea helps to reduce sweat production from the inside. Sage is antiperspirant and narrows the sweat glands.

Wheatgrass is also considered a natural sweat stopper. As a result, acids and toxins are flushed out of the body, causing severe sweating.

This detoxifies the body, reduces unpleasant body odors and reduces excessive sweating.

Apple cider vinegar is also recommended. It brings the pH of the skin and the body back into balance and combats sweat-causing bacteria.

However, you can not completely prevent perspiration. Basically, to treat unpleasant body odor with sufficient hygiene and not easy to cover with fragrances. (Ad)