Swine Flu A lot of vaccine & little willing to vaccinate

Swine Flu A lot of vaccine & little willing to vaccinate / Health News

Swine flu: a lot of vaccine and little willing to vaccinate: The numbers of vaccinated against the swine flu is still far below the number of vaccinated the normal flu. However, the vaccines must remain available as long as the World Health Organization does not lift the highest pandemic level for A / H1N1.

The numbers of vaccinated against the swine flu is still far below the number of vaccinated the normal flu. However, the vaccines must remain available as long as the World Health Organization does not lift the highest pandemic level for A / H1N1.

The highest pandemic level 6 remains, despite tough criticism of the pandemic's proclamation and the mild history of swine flu, on the part of the WHO. In addition, there are still questions about the effects of the ingredients of the vaccine doses. It is discussed whether potentiators can be problematic for the health of vaccinated people.

According to media reports, the first claims for compensation for generally unwanted reactions after vaccination against swine flu should already be available in North Rhine-Westphalia. Nationwide, about 1380 people reported such reactions.

According to current data from the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs, Women, Family and Health, which currently holds the chairmanship of the state health ministers, between four and ten percent of those in the federal states have been vaccinated. With an estimated population of about 82 million people in Germany, this is about 8 million vaccine doses of the substance Pandemrix of the pharmaceutical manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). This means that the 9.5 million vaccine doses ordered in November 2009 were not completely used up. GSK will now deliver another 34 million ordered cans from Pandemrix at an estimated price of around € 280 million.

At present, according to media reports, sales negotiations are already being conducted with Pakistan on the purchase of unneeded vaccines. But the federal states want vaccine doses in an amount that would be enough for 30 percent of the population, so about 25 million doses, ready in Germany.

Observers are still discussing the question of whether it is estimated that for most people a single vaccine seems sufficient. Primarily, it had been assumed by official agencies of a double vaccination of the population. Final figures on vaccination rates in Germany are expected in April 2010 this year. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 11.03.2010)