Weak feelings after the flu often warning signs of a heart muscle inflammation

Weak feelings after the flu often warning signs of a heart muscle inflammation / Health News

Constant weakness and fatigue after flu can be heart muscle inflammation

The typical symptoms of flu include fever, muscle, head and body aches and pains, fatigue and fatigue. However, if you feel tired and weak after curing an influenza illness, then you should be alert. Because these can be signs of heart muscle inflammation.

Violent influenza wave in Germany

In recent weeks, the many influenza cases in Germany have led many medical practices to their limits. Some clinics even had to reject patients. Also, the heart emergencies as a result of the flu epidemic have increased sharply. The heart may also be affected after curing a virus infection. An indication of this is, among other things, constant fatigue.

Anyone who is tired and weak for a long time after having survived the flu should be alert. Because these symptoms may indicate a heart muscle inflammation. (Image: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Longer lasting weakness after flu illness

If you continue to be weakened after flu, it can be the usual after effects of influenza.

Find affected after a flu infection but not soon return to the usual capacity, but are constantly weak and tired, could have serious causes.

The German Heart Foundation points to this in a recent communication.

In such cases, according to the experts, a doctor's visit is recommended. This is especially true for people with cardiovascular disease.

Risk of heart muscle inflammation

"If a severe influenza infection is already two weeks back and you have to take breaks or walks while doing housework now, which was unusual until then, then you should be alert and go to the doctor, so as not to overlook a heart involvement," said the Heart Foundation Expert and cardiologist dr. med. Vincent of Kageneck.

"Otherwise there is a risk of heart muscle inflammation with heart failure as a result."

The physician can then examine if there is myocarditis (myocarditis), possibly responsible for the weakness.

Take care until you feel completely healthy again

Other signs of heart muscle inflammation may include new build-up of fluid in the legs (edema), a feeling of pressure in the chest or an irregular pulse.

In addition, according to the Heart Foundation, it should be known that the risk of heart muscle inflammation is high, especially if you do not spare yourself a virus infection, be it a flu or an intestinal infection, until you feel completely healthy again.

"That's why you should generally wait for a flu and other viral or bacterial infections with sports and other physical stress until fever and other symptoms such as coughing, fatigue and body aches have subsided and you feel well again," Dr. from Kageneck.

The risk of myocarditis also applies to infections in which little or no fever occurs. Patients should therefore spare themselves during the acute illness. (Ad)