Weaknesses in sex education

Weaknesses in sex education / Health News

Pupil fit for weakness in sex education lessons


The students, who almost collapsed on Thursday in the secondary school Remigianum in Münsterland, are fit again. When they were to write pictures of genitals in biology lessons, they suffered from weaknesses.

Pupils aged eleven and twelve
A total of eight students from the Borken Gymnasium Remigianum had to be cared for by the rescue service and an emergency doctor on Thursday. In sixth grade, one pupil tipped over during sex education and then seven. The eleven- and twelve-year-olds should work on sketches of genitals. One of them suddenly turned pale and collapsed. While he was being treated, seven more students fled and they buckled away. No one can really explain the chain reaction. While two quickly recovered, the other six were taken to the hospital for outpatient treatment.

Very normal drawings
Of those affected, five were already back at school on Friday. A student, who is still in the hospital, is treated there because of an infection, which has nothing to do with the incident at the school. „Actually nothing happened“, said a police spokesman. „The drawings were quite normal, not terrifying how such images are. "According to the police, a child was given blood for a laboratory examination to try and find a reason for the onset of feebleness Findings would be surprising.

Doubts about a connection with the lesson
For the students, it is to be hoped that no one will suffer permanent damage. In any case, Headmistress Dorothea Meerkötter finds the idea absurd that a few modestly educated children have been confronted with too much sexual openness and have therefore collapsed overburdened. She doubts a connection with the lessons and sees weather-related circulatory insufficiency as the possible cause. She also once again contradicted rumors that videos of circumcision had been shown to children. (Ad)

Image: Dieter Schütz