Black elderberry Local berries to strengthen the immune system

Black elderberry Local berries to strengthen the immune system / Health News
Black elderberry contains a lot of vitamin C and healthy phytochemicals
Many local fruits contain high levels of healthy ingredients, but they increasingly threaten to fall into oblivion. For example, the berries of the black elderberry are "rich in vitamin C and phytochemicals," reports the consumer information service aid. In the case of an emerging summer flu, a glass of elderberry juice could be used to strengthen the body's defenses.

From mid-August to September, the fruits of the elderberry begin to ripen. The dark berries then hang in heavy umbels on the shrubs of the black elder (Sambucus nigra). They can be harvested and processed into jam, jelly, syrup, juice or wine, according to the message from the Consumer Information Service. When harvesting, however, it is important to pay attention to the ripeness of the berries.

Black elderberry is a veritable vitamin bomb. (Image: Glaser /

Elderberry for the medicine cabinet
Black elder reaches a height of seven to ten meters and is increasingly found in wet forests, on the edge of the field, on banks and in the vicinity of settlements, reports the aid. In the past, elderberry had grown on many farms, "whose flowers and fruits were used as medicine chest or fruit tree." In addition, the shrub in the garden is a good nesting opportunity and food source for birds. When harvesting, however, care should be taken to ensure that only one or two unripe berries are left on the umbels.

Do not eat elderberry berries raw
The black, juicy elderberry berries contain according to the aid "in addition to vitamin C also vitamin A and B as well as the minerals potassium and calcium." However, from a raw consumption is not recommended, because the ingredient sambunigrin could cause nausea and indigestion. By heating this substance is rendered harmless. For the production of an elderberry juice, for example, two kilograms of berries are boiled with 400 milliliters of water for 20 minutes, pureed, passed through a cloth and tasted with some sugar, according to the taste, according to the consumer information service.

Elderberry juice for the immune system
The bitter sweet elderberry juice strengthens the immune system and can be drunk in different variants. For example, the juice can be frozen in portions in ice cube bags to spice up tea and mineral water, reports the aid. He could also be used as the basis for a fine elderberry soup with small apple slices, cloves and cinnamon. This is served cold on hot days. Last but not least, according to the aid, elderberries can be combined well with other fruits such as pears and raspberries. (Fp)