Pregnancy sauna and hot baths do not pose a risk to the baby's health

Pregnancy sauna and hot baths do not pose a risk to the baby's health / Health News

Make saunas and hot baths so-called heat stress in pregnant women?

During pregnancy, women try to protect themselves especially in warm weather and avoid strenuous tasks. Researchers have now found out that pregnant women can exercise, go to the sauna and use hot baths even in warm weather, without endangering the health of their unborn child.

Researchers at the University of Exeter and the University of Sydney found in their study that pregnant women can use saunas and perform hot baths without compromising the health of the unborn child. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "British Journal of Sports Medicine".

Actually, a little bit of sport can never hurt. But what about women in pregnancy? Does exercise during pregnancy lead to heat stress that endangers the baby's health? (Image: Syda Productions /

Data from twelve studies were analyzed

The current study analyzed the results of a total of twelve studies completed by July 2017. These reported on the core temperature response of 347 pregnant women and so-called heat stress, either through physical exertion or through passive warming, such as exercise. B. by a sauna or sitting in a hot bath.

What do you think guides on this topic?

Current counselors state that pregnant women should avoid heat stress based on concerns about possible risks of exceeding the body temperature of 39 ° C during pregnancy. However, the current study found that no woman exceeded the recommended core temperature limit of 39 ° C.

What were the measurements??

The highest total measured core temperature reached 38.9 ° C, for exercises on land 38.3 ° C, for exercises in water 37.5 ° C, for hot water 36.9 ° C and for sauna visits 37.6 ° C explain the scientists. Based on these results, the researchers say that pregnant women at air temperatures of up to 25 ° C and 45 percent relative humidity can safely complete up to 35 minutes of intense aerobic exercise (at 80 to 90 percent of their maximum heart rate).

Guidelines for heat stress limits are not clearly defined

In addition, the experts report that pregnant women can safely participate in aqua aerobics exercises even at water temperatures of 28.8 ° C to 33.4 ° C for up to 45 minutes and spend up to 20 minutes in hot baths (40 ° C) without reaching the recommended core temperature limit of 39 ° C - regardless of the stage of pregnancy. Researchers argue that current guidelines do not clearly define heat stress thresholds and may discourage pregnant women from engaging in physical activity, although this could benefit both mother and child.

Is the heat regulation increased during pregnancy??

The studies analyzed by the scientists included women at every stage of pregnancy. Some women showed a decrease in the increase in core temperature over the course of pregnancy, supporting the theory that heat regulation during pregnancy is increased. Although the underlying mechanism is unclear, researchers suggest that changes in body mass and surface may play a role.

Further research is needed

The experts pointed to some limitations on their review, such as: For example, the small size of the study. They stress that more research is needed to establish safe exposure and environmental limits for pregnant women who are physically active in hotter climates. But their results indicate that the risk of heat stress is low.

Heat stress risk of pregnant women is low

Health guidelines for pregnant women consistently agree that bathing in hot water or staying in the sauna should be limited due to the increased risk of maternal hyperthermia and the consequent potential effects on fetal development. However, the current results indicate that the risk of heat stress is low, explains study author Dr. Ollie Jay from the University of Sydney. (As)