Pregnancy morning sickness is a sign of an expected girl?

Pregnancy morning sickness is a sign of an expected girl? / Health News
Getting pregnant with morning sickness always a girl?
When pregnant women often experience nausea in the morning, they often hear sentences such as: "Congratulations! It will certainly be a girl. "Is it really true, expectant mothers, who are often bad in the morning, always get a girl?
Connection between morning sickness and sex?
Pregnant women, who are often sick in the morning, often hear from friends and acquaintances: "Congratulations! You get a girl. "Is it really true that there is a connection between morning sickness and the baby's gender?

The senior physician at the Clinic for Obstetrics at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Jan-Peter Siedentopf says the correct answer is: Jein. In a message from the dpa news agency, the doctor explains: "Morning sickness affects 70 to 80 percent of pregnant women." However, not so many girls are born. "If one were to determine gender according to the principle, one would quite often be wrong," says Siedentopf. However, the doctor points out that "there is evidence in studies of an accumulation of female babies after pregnancy with severe morning sickness".

If a pregnant woman is always sick in the morning, does she get a girl? Image: Romolo Tavani - fotolia

Natural home remedies for nausea in the morning
If mothers-to-be are often bad in the morning, health experts say they should not be on medication. Often, pregnancy sickness remedies have hardly been studied. Much better is when women naturally approach the nausea in pregnancy. Siedentopf recommends the Wunderknolle ginger as a home remedy for nausea - whether as a tea, in the food or even in tablet form. The doctor also advises those affected to eat smaller meals, but to eat more frequently. It can also help some to get some dry bread in bed before getting up. "Good chewing, that neutralizes the stomach acid and can reduce the morning sickness," says Siedentopf. (Sb)