Pregnancy Fish oil and probiotics prevent food allergy in children

Pregnancy Fish oil and probiotics prevent food allergy in children / Health News

How does the diet of pregnant women affect children??

Researchers have now found that pregnant women can take fish oil supplements and probiotics to reduce the risk of food allergies and eczema in their children.

Researchers at Imperial College London found in their study that taking fish oil supplements and probiotics in pregnant women leads to a reduced likelihood of food allergies and eczema in their children. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "PLOS Medicine".

The intake of fish oil supplements and probiotics during pregnancy reduces the risk of food allergies and eczema. (Image: alice_photo /

Researchers evaluated data from more than 400 studies

For their research on the effects of pregnant women's nutrition on their baby's food allergy and eczema risks, the experts evaluated data from more than 400 studies involving more than 1.5 million people.

How do fish oil capsules and probiotics affect you??

The researchers found, for example, that the daily intake of fish oil capsules from the 20th week of pregnancy and during the first three to four months of breastfeeding reduces the risk of egg allergy in children by 30 percent. In addition, the researchers found that taking a daily probiotic supplement during weeks 36-38 and during the first three to six months of breastfeeding reduced the risk of developing eczema by 22 percent.

Results must be taken into account in future guidelines

Food allergies and eczema in children are a growing problem worldwide, study author Dr. Robert Boyle from Imperial College London. "Although there has been some evidence that a woman's diet during pregnancy affects the risk of developing allergies or eczema in her babies, so far there has never been such a comprehensive analysis of the data," explains Dr. Robert Boyle a press release. "Our research suggests that probiotics and fish oil supplements can reduce the risk of a child suffering from allergic disease. These results must be taken into account when updating the guidelines for pregnant women, "adds the expert.

Further research is needed

The team also looked at a number of different nutritional factors during pregnancy, including fruit, vegetable and vitamin intake, but found no clear evidence that any of these substances had an allergy or eczema risk. The researchers have also found no evidence that avoiding potentially allergenic foods such as nuts, dairy products and eggs during pregnancy affects a child's allergic or eczema risk. Further research is now needed to better understand how probiotics and fish oils can reduce the risk of allergies and eczema. Vanessa Garcia-Larsen of the National Heart and Lung Institute of Imperial College London.

What do probiotics do??

Although there are more and more allergies and eczema in children and millions are affected, doctors are still looking for the causes of these diseases and ways to prevent them. In their study, the experts also analyzed 28 trials of probiotic supplements taken during pregnancy. About 6,000 women took part in these. So-called probiotics contain living bacteria that can affect the natural balance of bacteria in the gut. Previous research has linked a disruption of naturally occurring bacteria to an allergy risk.

How do probiotics affect the risk of eczema??

The study used probiotics during pregnancy and lactation as capsules, powder or drink (most yoghurts do not contain enough probiotics). It was found that the risk of developing a child between the ages of six months and three years reduced eczema by 22%.

How did the intake of fish oil preparations work??

The team also looked at 19 studies on the intake of fish oil preparations during pregnancy, which involved around 15,000 people. These studies found a 30 percent reduction in the risk of egg allergy at 1 year of age. In the studies with fish oil supplements, the capsules contained a standard dose of omega-3 fatty acids (another fatty acid type, called omega-6, had no effect on the risk of allergy)..

Further effects of taking fish oil supplements

The team also found that ingesting fish oil during pregnancy reduced the risk of peanut allergy for the child by 38 percent. However, the researchers warned that this finding is based on only two studies and is not as reliable as effects on egg allergy and eczema. The study also found some evidence of links between longer duration of breastfeeding and reduced risk of eczema. Breastfeeding was also associated with a lower risk of type 1 diabetes. (As)