Pregnant women should drink plenty of tap water

Pregnant women should drink plenty of tap water / Health News

Sufficient drinking is especially important during pregnancy


A healthy, balanced diet is especially important during pregnancy. In addition, pregnant women should also be sure to drink enough. However, not every drink is equally suitable, because straight sodas are usually too sugary. Instead, pregnant women should primarily resort to water.

Balanced diet, plenty of drinking and regular exercise
Lots of fruits and vegetables, fish and low-fat meat in moderation as well as low sugar and fats with a high content of saturated fatty acids: A balanced diet and regular physical activity are good in every phase of life. But especially during pregnancy it is particularly important that women pay more attention to themselves, because in this time the unborn child is cared for by the metabolism of the expectant mother. But not only the food plays a central role - also sufficient drinking is enormously important to provide the body optimally.

Instead of sugary soft drinks drink better water and unsweetened tea
But in addition to the sufficient amount should be paid especially to what is drunk. Because straight undiluted juices, ice tea and sodas or soft drinks such as coke, Fanta or Sprite usually contain too much sugar. „Pregnant women drink best with every meal and every now and again a large glass of water“, therefore recommends Maria Flothkötter according to the news agency „dpa“. Flothkötter is the leader of the network „Healthy in life“, which is funded by the Federal Nutrition Ministry. Here are tap water or mineral water the best thirst quencher - but also unsweetened herbal and fruit teas and highly diluted juice spritzers would be well suited in pregnancy. In general, women should come to at least two liters of water a day during pregnancy, „pregnant women should drink significantly more fluids during heat or exercise“, so Flothkötter continues.

Caffeine in moderation, alcohol taboo
In addition to sweetened drinks, women should also be more cautious about caffeine-containing drinks such as coffee, energy drinks, black and green tea during pregnancy, and more of the motto „Less is more“ consequences. Here, according to the network „Healthy in life“ up to three cups daily without any concerns - with larger amounts, however, increase the risk of an increased heart rate in the child, which represents an unnecessary burden for the small heart. On the other hand, alcohol should be consistently avoided, since regular consumption of alcohol increases the risk of developmental disorders and malformations in children immensely. However, no one can tell exactly what amounts of alcohol cause damage at what point in time - so pregnant women should generally refrain so as to protect their child from health risks. (No)

Picture: Gallus Tannheimer