Pregnant women have a higher accident risk

Pregnant women have a higher accident risk / Health News

Heavy traffic accidents during pregnancy significantly more common


Women are at increased risk of road accidents during pregnancy, according to a recent study by the research team led by Professor Donald Redelmeier of the University of Toronto. According to the researchers, the women showed from the second trimester of pregnancy on „40 to 50 percent higher risk of a serious motor vehicle accident compared to the time before her pregnancy.“ Nevertheless, they are safer during pregnancy than men of the same age.

„Pregnant women are afraid of almost everything, from air travel and roller coaster rides to hot tubs and sausages, but there is a much more dangerous threat to the health of the unborn child“, reports the University of Toronto. Because driving, according to the latest data analysis for the pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy increasingly dangerous. „Pregnancy is associated with a significant risk of serious motor vehicle accident in the second trimester“, the scientists write in the journal „Canadian Medical Association Journal“. „This risk deserves more attention in the context of prenatal care“, said Professor Redelmeier and colleagues.

42 percent more accidents in the second trimester
In their study, the researchers evaluated the data of around half a million women (507,262 women) who were born between 2006 and 2011. Almost 8,000 women had to be treated in hospital during the study period due to a serious road accident, reports the University of Toronto. 757 serious traffic accidents accounted for the second trimester of pregnancy alone. This has been 252 accidents a month, compared to 177 accidents a month before pregnancy, which is one „relative increase by 42 percent“ correspond, write the scientists. „I was surprised by the magnitude“, stressed Professor Redelmeier and added: „It also surprises me that none of the obstetrics guidelines in North America, Australia or Europe mention the subject.“ Here is talk about blood pressure and diabetes, but the increased risk of traffic accidents not mentioned.

Pregnancy symptoms Cause of increased accident risk?
According to the study director Prof. Redelmeier „all the usual side effects of pregnancy - fatigue, nausea, insomnia - very likely cause of the increased accident risk.“ At typical highway speeds, the car moves about three meters in a tenth of a second of inattention. The brief lack of attention due to a feeling of exhaustion or nausea could make the difference between a fatal accident and a tight situation without damage.

Pregnant women should know the risk
In the case of pregnant women, traffic accidents are generally frequent „extremely difficult to handle“ and add to that a high degree of emotions, explained Prof. Redelmeier further. If something goes wrong with the unborn child, it often becomes a lifelong burden on the affected women. The scientists therefore advise the pregnant woman to be aware of her increased accident risk and to pay particular attention to road safety. In addition, they should leave the car if they feel too weakened by nausea and fatigue or noted concentration weaknesses. Distraction while driving should generally be avoided as much as possible. (Fp)

Picture: Ronny Senst