Spawning vomiting in the baby

Spawning vomiting in the baby / Health News

If the babies vomit to the doctor


Parents whose babies vomit after meals should definitely consult a doctor. This is recommended by paediatricians, especially if the vomit smells sour and pungent. It could be behind pyloric stenosis.

The baby could dry out
If it happens that a baby vomits after meals in a bow, then paediatricians recommend to see a doctor immediately. Especially if the vomit smells sour and the symptoms get worse every day. Because then there is a risk of pyloric stenosis. Hans-Jürgen Nentwich from the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) explains: „This type of vomiting speaks for a Magenpförtnerenge, a so-called pyloric stenosis.“ The sphincter at the stomach outlet is thickened and prevents the food from being transported. The pressure in the stomach builds up with increasing food until the baby vomits everything again in a wide arc. According to Nentwich, the child has to be treated quickly, because any kind of frequent vomiting risks causing the baby to dry out.

Little pediatric surgery
If there is a suspicion of a Magenpförtnerege, this can usually be clarified by ultrasound, so Nentwich. Either the thickened muscle is immediately visible in the ultrasound image, or the stomach is still overly full 20 to 30 minutes after the baby has been fed on a trial basis. When pyloric stenosis is diagnosed, the first thing to do is to normalize the baby's fluid, electrolyte and base balance, says Nentwich. In order for the food to be transported back from the stomach, a small pediatric surgical procedure is usually required. Until then, the baby should often be given small meals. The child can often eat and drink six hours after surgery. In some cases, even the so-called conservative treatment is set. Through careful care, frequent feeding with thickened food, as well as with anti-spasmodic and calming medications trying to cure the disease. For this, a four- to six-week hospital stay is required.

Boys and first-born affected more often
About a newborn of 800 suffers from pyloric stenosis. Often there are infants between the second and 15th week of life, which are affected by it and usually are boys and first-born. The exact causes are still as unclear as the reason why the number of cases between 2000 and 2008 has decreased by 38 percent. (Ad)

Picture: Dieter Hopf