Protection against colds Wash hands regularly

Protection against colds Wash hands regularly / Health News

Protection against colds in winter: Wash hands regularly.

To avoid autumn diseases and colds in winter, you should wash your hands regularly. Disinfectants are superfluous, however, as the Association of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists advises.

Viruses that trigger colds can be found in everyday life almost everywhere. In addition, the mucous membranes dry out through dry heating air in offices and apartments. This makes it easy for the cold viruses to trigger a cold. Because in sealed rooms, the viruses multiply quickly. For this reason, it is also important in winter to air the rooms for at least three to four times a day for 10 minutes.

To strengthen the body's defense, children and adults should regularly move in the fresh air. Walks and games are adequate means to get the circulation going and to train the immune system. It is also important to eat a sufficient and versatile healthy diet. Therefore, fruits and vegetables should be consumed in sufficient quantity daily. To keep the body resistant, you should also drink enough water, tea or fruit juices.

Regular hands washing without disinfectants should be a matter of course. Common cold viruses often attach themselves to door handles, banisters or other objects that are touched by several people. „Wash your hands thoroughly with soap for at least half a minute. The use of disinfectants is usually not necessary“, said Erika Fink, President of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists. In order to keep the cold viruses away from the mouth, nose and eyes, one should not touch the face and wash it as much as possible.

Common cold symptoms include runny nose, headache with or without a cough. If there is a fever, a doctor should be consulted. This is also true when bloody or purulent mucus is coughed out. If a virus flu (influenza) is suspected, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Symptoms of a virus flu are sudden high fever over 39 degrees and a heavy feeling of illness as well as body aches. (sb, 19.10.2010)

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