School problems due to frequent computer use

School problems due to frequent computer use / Health News

Children and adolescents who use a lot of media often suffer from school problems


An increase in computer and television consumption leads to lower school grades and social problems for many students. This is reported by a recent observational study by DAK Gesundheit in cooperation with the University of Lüneburg. According to the results, every fifth school-age teenager now spends more than six hours a day on the PC or watching TV. Frequently, according to the researchers, the frequent screen time leads to school problems. However, there are no effects on social life from frequent media consumption.

According to a study by the DAK and scientists from Leuphana University in Lüneburg, many students spend too much time on the computer or watching TV. Almost every fifth adolescent spends more than 6 hours a day on the computer or TV. Those who spend a lot of their time surfing the Internet or playing computer games report significantly more dissatisfied school issues and discomfort than students who generally use less media. Particularly affected are adolescents between 15 and 16 years of age. Here, the proportion of intensive users was 23 percent.

According to the cash register „The results indicate that excessive media consumption is more likely to lead to school problems“, as the DAK spokesman Cornelius Erbe explained. The researchers do not rule out that even one „reverse action“ is possible. „Those who have difficulties in school may try to distract themselves from high media consumption.“

Social life continues to take place despite PC or television
Did intensive computer users get together, as widely believed? Presumably, media consumption has no negative consequences for social life. Teenagers who spend many hours in front of the PC even meet friends and acquaintances more often than others. Social networks like Facebook and Co encourage people to date and media are often shared in their free time. Many young people meet for computer games together or watch TV series or films together. For example, over 90 percent of survey respondents said they had four or more friends. 61 percent of intensive users said they would meet with friends three or more times a week. For the few users, there were only 47 percent for comparison. Active exercise, organized leisure activities or sports are rather neglected with frequent media consumption, according to study data.

Particularly high is the rate of intensive users among the primary and secondary school students. 39 percent of the group said they were watching TV for more than three hours a day. High school students (high schools) said that an average of 17 percent spent more than three hours on the media.

Responsible handling of the Internet
Graduate psychologist Ina Cramer from Leuphana University Lüneburg explained for „Children and adolescents the use of media and social networks is an important part of their lives“ become. Handling the Internet is in most cases much more responsible than is generally assumed. If frequent use of the Internet leads to conspicuous behavior and school performance suffers, parents should seek to talk to their child and seek compromise. To know what the children and teenagers are doing in their everyday lives, „parents should engage with the topic of new media“, says social worker Gritli Bertram.

Teachers need more media literacy
According to the psychologist, the schools should not close their eyes. They have a special significance in the prevention of risky media behavior. For this reason, according to the expert educators and teachers in „The critical reflection of media, their functions and their content will play an important role in the future. "

The present study „Media consumption of pupils“ was created as part of the initiative „Develop healthy school together“. The study took a total of three years and was carried out at different schools. The May 2008, May 2009, and May 2010 survey included nearly 6,000 students and nearly 1,300 teachers from nine major, real and regional schools, three comprehensive schools, seven high schools and six vocational schools. (Sb)

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Picture: Katharina Bregulla