School Allergies 13-year-old student shows strong allergic reactions

School Allergies 13-year-old student shows strong allergic reactions / Health News
13-year-old is allergic to the school - triggers still unclear
The whole thing started in mathematics lessons: A 13-year-old girl from the UK repeatedly responded with violent allergic reactions in the school. After an allergic shock, she even had to be hospitalized. The cause of the "school allergy" has not yet been found.

Young girl is "allergic to her school"
For some students, it may sound even tempting, but for the girl from England it is really bad: The 13 -year-old Tiffiney B. has a kind of "allergy to her school". Compared to the internet portal "", the young Briton said: "I think it was in math, when it suddenly itched me full and I was warm and dizzy. Then the English class started and I got terribly hot, I could not see properly anymore and my throat swelled. I was in a lot of pain and thought I had to die. "

School lessons as the cause of allergic reactions? (Photo: Cherries / fotolia.comI

With allergic shock in the clinic
The girl who goes to the John Whitgift Academy in Grimsby had four severe allergic reactions in just one week. She even had to be taken to a clinic after suffering a dangerous anaphylactic shock. This is an allergic emergency in which sufferers get a circulatory collapse. They faint and can not breathe. In the worst case, they suffer a cardiovascular arrest. Then you have to start the revival immediately. The teenager was reportedly brought to the hospital in time.

On leave from school
For example, anaphylactic shock can be triggered by a wasp sting in people with an insect sting allergy. Or in other people by certain foods such as peanuts. Such partially dangerous food allergies have been increasing for years. Also, certain medications may be eligible. For the young Englishwoman, the cause of the life-threatening incidents has not yet been found. She is now on leave from school until the cause of the allergy is resolved. Although Tiffiney has been attending the school in the northeast of the country for three years, her mother Josie is still certain that the trigger has something to do with the school. To "" she said, "The bad thing is that it's not a normal allergic reaction, it's a life-threatening one in seconds."

After the trigger is searched further
According to the report, samples of carpets and wall paint were taken in the school building, which are now being analyzed in the laboratory. A peanut allergy that had previously been diagnosed with the girl, according to the doctors have no connection with their collapse at school. Even if some classmates may dream of not having to attend classes either, for Tiffiney the situation is a nightmare. "It's boring with no homework," she told "" She even wanted to have extra homework. "I want to be in school. It's like my home and I like and enjoy the school because it's fun. "Daughter and mother hope that the problem can be solved soon. (Ad)