Cupping can relieve knee pain

Cupping can relieve knee pain / Health News

Cupping can reduce knee pain, according to a scientific study


In a pilot study, scientists in Berlin investigated whether a pulsating cupping treatment can alleviate the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis. The result showed that cupping can alleviate knee pain.

The cupping application in this study was performed using a device from HeVaTec GmbH, which co-funded the study. It is the first study to investigate a cupping application with a medical device. The apparatus creates a pulsating vacuum in the cupping heads. The cupping cups made of elastic plastic with silicone rim were placed on the knee joint for 10 min. Each in the lower back and 5 min.

21 participants in the Schröpf group received an application for 4 weeks, twice a week. After 4 and 12 weeks pain, stiffness of the joint, mobility and quality of life were evaluated. A control group (19 participants) remained without application. If necessary, participants were allowed to take acetaminophen for pain relief.

Overall, the number of participants was quite low, but quite promising results could be achieved. Knee pain was significantly reduced in the Schröpf group. But even with regard to the assessment of stiffness, flexibility and the physical quality of life were in the cupping group after 4 weeks, significant improvements.

The researchers point out that the pilot study does not allow a conclusive statement. The number of participants was too low and there was no blinding. However, the researchers report that the side effects of the Schröpf procedure in the study were very low. Further investigations would be desirable.

Cupping is a millennia-old therapy procedure in which a negative pressure is created on the skin. Cupping is used today mainly in naturopathic practices by naturopaths and osteopaths. The application is one of the leading methods in alternative medicine. Source: Teut M et al. Pulsatile dry cupping in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee - a randomized controlled exploratory trial BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012, 12: 184 (pm)

Picture: Essenia Deva