Already in childhood low back pain

Already in childhood low back pain / Health News

Forsa Survey: Many children have low back pain at an early age.

(05.07.2010) More and more children have low back pain, which means in any case a recent Forsa survey conducted on behalf of the health insurance "DAK". According to the survey, the number of back pain in children over the age of six has increased significantly over the last decade.

A survey of around 100 paediatricians showed that even children over the age of six complain of severe back and back pain. Particularly affected are children between the ages of 11 and 14 years. The number of children rose by about 13 percent, complaining of severe pain in the back. Another increase was recorded in the pediatrician survey for mild to moderate back pain. Here, the number of young patients has risen by a whopping 40 percent. On demand, the doctors said that guilt was above all a too insufficient movement and intensive media consumption. One out of every two pediatricians also said that physical education was too poor at school and that young people's diet left much to be desired.

In response to these worrying results, the DAK wants to start a nationwide education campaign on back pain in childhood. On behalf of the health insurance company, Professor Ingo Froböse of the Sport University of Cologne is to undertake free active lectures in 13 cities in Germany. So Froböse said it was no wonder that children get back pain when they walk on average only about 900 meters per day, "but sitting almost four hours in front of PC or TV, then they have to get pain in the cross".

Prof. Froböse calls on parents to be role models for the children. "We only have to infect our children with the motor virus," especially in sports and health. "The children do not need a back school, but more exercise. (Sb)

Also read:
More and more children have back pain
Back pain: stiff back

Image: Barbara Eckholdt,